The Hunter of Love

God said:

What is it like to love as I do love? It is tremendous. There is no end to it, nor is there a beginning. Imagine the energy of Creation bursting everywhere all at once all the time. Then you will have a taste of the love that I know. Even your greatest experience of love is but a preamble to love as I love.

There is not even anything for Me to love. I do not have to pick out anything to love. I love.

Just as you do not have to pick out air to breathe, I love. It is not even that I take a deep breath of love. I do not inhale and exhale love. I love. My love encompasses all, all the imagined and all the Real. My love knows no object, beloveds. I can say I love you, and I love you, yet greater is it when I say I simply love. I am an emanation of love, and I know it. You are an emanation of love, and you don't know it, or you don't always know it. You see the Wholeness of Love in bits and pieces. You see it under a microscope, beloveds, or a telescope. Love is not even to be seen. It is beyond seeing. Love is known, and yet it is beyond knowing. It is beyond description. It is beyond being limited.

Can love identify itself? Why would it? Why would love seek a description or an outline of itself? Why would love seek anything when it is love bursting and alighting on itself? When love alone is, what would it question, and what would it answer? Who would ask, and who would answer? What answer can there be when love is all and there is no question for love to ask, and no one to ask it anyway?

This is not separateness. This is not loneliness. This is love so overpowering that it alone exists. Nothing else can enter in. There is nothing else to enter in, so how could it?

What do details have to do with love? Where can details be located? Where can love be located when love is all and love is everywhere? Who is there to seek love, and where can it be found when love alone is?

Who can be the hunter of love when there is love and nothing but love?

And yet you have been seeking love all your life on Earth. You have been seeking to find love, and you have been seeking proof of love, proof that it exists, and proof that you, even you, actually are loved once and for all.

Well, dears, what do you think you have been doing in all this scrambling? What has every argument of yours truly been about except for your seeking evidence of love? You who are loved beyond any imagination have not known how loved you are, and therefore you have been knocking on doors for it. You have been pandering to it. You have been finding glimpses, and you have not been finding glimpses. And, yet, even so, you are the most loved mortal that ever was and ever will be.

Of course, you are an Immortal. You are an Immortal who focuses on mortal moments. You who are beyond any dreamed-of limits tether yourself to the limits of mortality and forget your true existence. You even forget love. You forget you are love and loved, and, so, you search for love and proof it of its existence and nonexistence. Yes, you have even pounced on the nonexistence of love. We can even say you have specialized in it.

But, no matter, today you love and begin to know My love and to know the power of love right in your own heart.

Read Comments

Thoughts from this letter

We do two things that may actually be only one thing. We focus on the "mortal moments" and we forget our true existence, that we are love.

Since we are love, and love is undivided, we are everything.

The illusions of our lives springs from this focus and this forgetting which creates the search to know what we already know.

I feel this is your finest

I feel this is your finest comment to date, Chuck. What a wealth of insight in just a few lines.

For myself, I feel all of this is getting a bit much. Following this Heavenletter, I might challenge your words and say there is no we to do anything, be it focusing or forgetting or searching. When love alone is, how can there be even the imagination of something, of you and me? Who does that imagining? Where does the experience of somethingness come from and who is having it? How can love, when love alone is, have emanations, and what on earth does God mean, calling Himself an emanation of love?? And so on.

But there is nothing to challenge and no one to challenge it. There is an impression of something being typed and appearing on a screen right now, but it's not really happening and we don't even know where that impression resides.

Today, it's just a deluge of words to me and I feel like opening an umbrella or going inside. Where is inside?

But, no matter....

I can relate to these questions

Thank you, Jochen, for your kind compliment.

I completely relate to all your questions that emerge from this letter. When God says we are one with Him and yet He still talks to us about our independent actions and our individual selves and the illusions which He doesn't share, it all seems paradoxical and contradictory.

Here is my attempt to resolve this continuing paradox for my self. We are two simultaneous perspectives in one. We are capable of being conscious of being one with the One Being while we are also individualized consciousness. We are not either/or, we are both. At any given point for us, the nature of our perspective, and consequently our experience, can change.

This, at least, seems to work for me.


"The heart of My messages cannot be contained in words. The words are peripheral to My heart."

"If My heart encompasses all, there is no ending to it. Nothing is peripheral to My heart. There is no 'outside it'."

It has to be as you say,

It has to be as you say, Chuck, thank you. Whatever "works" is wonderful.

What works for me in this instance is the mere fact of your response, knowing there is a friend who responds. Kindness is what works, isn't it? I could say to you that "two perspectives in one" and "being one with the one Being" and "individualized consciousness", although sounding perfectly reasonable, are perfectly meaningless to me – but that's not the point at all. The point is an atmospheric one, of being touched, not by impeccable reasoning but by something much more real that guides you back into the (sometimes unsettling) simplicity of .... not knowing.

Trying to explain things is fine as long as it's fun. The fun part of trying to explain and to understand has clearly ended for me, and whenever I relapse into explaining, I don't feel so good. And that is when a friendly voice, whatever the objective content of what it says, works wonders.

The Unthinkable Reality

What is the only Reality, the only common point that we all can be sure of, including all our states of mind and emotions and all our experiences? The simplest imaginable answer is that We Are, no matter if we believe in God or randomness. We cannot choose not to Be. So there is one hypothesis about existence that has to be eliminated de facto: we cannot "not exist" or "not be". So what about our "Perception" of Nothingness or even Death? We still need our Consciousness to try to imagine Death which reaffirms the inextricable basic Reality that is: We Are. But if We all are, then there can be only One I Am.

It is no longer René Descartes's "I think, therefore I am" but "I Am, therefore I Love". You cannot split or divide Unity=1 into two=2.
1 divided by 2 does not give 2 but 5 (0.5 for the purpose of arithmetics) which is the Interior Emanation of Unity. 5 is the base of the "Golden Number", of God's architectural and musical creations including us. When Consciousness rises into Unity, it becomes Self-Consciousness which cannot be anything else than Love. Love is the only "division" in Unity that can multiply itself infinitely without ceasing to be One.

It is that Quality of God's way of thinking that is delivered to us every day through each Heavenletter. Even more, this is the Feminine aspect of God's Intelligence which is everflowing without having any beginning and any end. Male's rational thinking has to surrender!


Hunt for love, you can't find it by the hunt.
Try to gather love and it slips through your fingers.
To give love, one must learn to BE love.
You can't do it if you don't BE it.


Like always, dearest George,

Like always, dearest George, your words are a little and ferined needle that penetrates in the heart with enlighetening semplicity. I love your words. Hugs

Yes, God, do it! Take my

Yes, God, do it! Take my mind, break it in a thousand pieces and throw them away. My human identity has to disband. I give You permission to tell me whatever You want, even that You are "an emanation of love"! You, Divine Potter!


"Every morning I bless you. Every evening. Every hour. Every second, you are being blessed by the Mighty Blessor of All. There is not a turn of the earth when I am not blessing you and succoring you and blessing Myself for having created you. The Potter's Wheel is good, and what the Potter makes is very good indeed."

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said all the time
There is love nothing but love
Bursting everywhere

Love, Light and Aloha!


Did you hear that?
It was the man looking for treasure.
He wants me to finish his story.
You didn’t hear him?
Then he must be inside me yelling, “Over here, Come over here!”
Don’t see him as a seeker, though.
Whatever he is looking for, he is that himself.
How can the lover be anything but the beloved?

What is it like to love as I

What is it like to love as I do love? It is tremendous. There is no end to it, nor is there a beginning. Imagine the energy of Creation bursting everywhere all at once all the time. Then you will have a taste of the love that I know. Even your greatest experience of love is but a preamble to love as I love.


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