The Hall of Greatness

God said:

Have you not let your heart become discouraged so easily? Beloveds, let your heart be encouraged instead. Look for opportunities to uplift your heart. Let discouragement be gone. Let encouragement arise. Beloveds, it comes down to your being good to yourself. You think that it is something outside you that makes you frustrated and unhappy. It is your own self-referral that does that. It is expectation you put on yourself that does.

If something isn't the way you think it should be, you feel that you have failed. Whether voiced or not, you call yourself names. You decide that you are up against it and are not up to the task. You bind yourself with perimeters you put around yourself. Free yourself instead. Free yourself from frustration, beloveds. Free yourself from these little snips and snails. You make your own self unhappy over little things. First, by the idea that everything must be just so. Second, that if it isn't, you must fight it. Better to be glad about something.

Be glad that We have the Oneness of Self that We refer to as each other. We are one another. Be glad there is the One of Us. What can entangle you when We are Oneness Supreme? What otherness must interfere with Oneness? What would you allow between Us? What would you insert between Us? There is nothing that need come between the function of Our One Heart.

Would you let a red light come between Us? Would you let an idiosyncrasy of the computer come between Us? A dog barking outside? A stubbed toe? What could possibly be worthy of interference with Our love? What is this little fuss about? Put these tiny matters aside and return to the Oneness that We are. Come into this valley of love with Me. It is a haven. It is a safe place where distraction and inconvenience do not enter. In this valley of Our heart, aggravation does not enter. It is too small a thing. In this valley of our heart, We are occupied with love. Is there something else you would rather be occupied with? Some nonsense, perhaps?

Haven't you had enough of that? Have you not spent years delving into what pains your heart? Have you not had enough of putting yourself aside and choosing to relegate yourself to dissatisfaction of one kind or another? Have you not specialized in it? Have you not become an expert at it? From this moment on, disqualify yourself. At this time, become dissatisfied with old ways of thinking, tantamount to beating yourself up. That is what frustration is, beloveds, some kind of self-torment. Release yourself now.

Give up on frustration. It never was your friend. Why are you beholden to it? Be beholden to joy instead. Hold joy up to scrutiny instead of pesky frustration. Beloveds, there is a Hall of Greatness for you to enter. Enter it now. I invite you. I take you by the hand. I lead you to the still waters. Immerse yourself in them. Let go of the rough waters. Lie back. Float for a while, beloveds, float in My love. Be buoyed by My love. There is nothing else like it.