The Christ in You

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

While Godwriting in Ask God Workshop October 24…

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I had an interesting experience yesterday. I bumped into a woman I know, and she whispered to me, "Pray for me."

I said, "For what?

"That I can talk to Karen."

"Just decide it," came out of my mouth.

"I already decided. I just need the money."

"Decide to have it."

She said, "Decide to have the money?"

"Yes, just decide."

God, it didn't feel like it was me talking. I am not usually so definite. And since when do I know anything about deciding?

What will You say about this?


Deciding is knowing what you want and that you can have it. This friend of yours rarely decides. She hems and haws over every little thing, as though it were enormous. If she made decisions, she would be on top of the world.

She can decide to have the money to call Karen. Or, if she wants, she can make it a long-drawn out debilitating problem where she keeps fumbling the ball.

You, too, Gloria, can decide whatever you want.

Decide that the web page will be completed.

Decide you will lose weight.

You don't need to know how.

Decide you will be unattached to others' problems.

Decide, and it is done.

When you decide, then you can drop it and be unattached.

When you decide something, it is all taken care of.

When you have decided, then what ensues is given over to Me.

Somewhere along the way, you decided to do Godwriting, and then it all happened.


Is decision commitment?


Commitment is what you notice after you have decided.

You decided to align yourself with Me. Then you discovered you were committed.

Making a decision is not the same as being decisive or authoritative. Being decisive is not necessarily being decided. It can be a manner and not truth.

You decided to share Me, and now I take care of it.

What else would you like to decide?


I don't know.


Decisions make themselves. Decisions are not of the mind. They are of the heart. The mind merely confirms what the heart wants.


Morning of October 25, 1999…


When the words came out of my mouth with that lady, it seemed something like Godwriting, only more sudden.


This is what happens when you are embraced with Me and your ego disassembled. Who can talk but the Christ in you?


Is this comparable to the sort of thing when a mother lifts a car to save her child?


You mean super-human. You could say that.

But remember it is natural. It is just something you have forgotten, been too busy, too crowded to allow.

When that lady spoke to you, your mind was empty, therefore clear, and therefore directed to Truth.

Truth will have a different meaning to you now.

Truth is more than accurate.

It is God-divined. Or, you can say it is the Christ in you speaking.

Wouldn't you like that all the time?


Yes, I would. God, when "Decide" came out of my mouth, I felt no particular compassion. It was more like impatience!


It was that you were not going to get into your personal habit of commiserating. You were cutting through her plaintiveness and your sympathy.

When someone cuts a tall weed, he doesn't speculate or hesitate. It's just done.

Now, remember, you arose to the occasion in innocence. You were not thinking: "Hmm, now I will be wise. Now I will say something to the point."

The thing to do now is to decide you will be "on line" with Me, and then forget about it.

Just like when you are on Internet, you don't' rub your hands with glee and think: "Oh, boy, I'm on Internet." You are just on it. Do you understand?


Yes. Be instead of think.


And that is what you call being in the moment.

Mother Divine:

That is not being preoccupied.

When you are directly lined up with truth, your mind is not on a million things but on one.

How simple to be open to God, on call, connected, ready.

When you sit down to write God's words, your attention is on hearing what God has to say. It is not on a shopping list. It is not on you — or, isn't on you for long.

How beautiful is a moment spent with God.

How well-oiled the wheels are when you are with God.

How smooth-flowing is life.

How immense the possibilities.

Being connected directly to God is like opening up a treasure-chest. The key to opening it is desire and decision. The lock is love.

You open love with desire and decision.

The cover of the treasure chest opens by itself. You realize that all the shining jewels you see were yours all along. You were never without them.

You dared to open the chest is all.

You dared to peek. You dared to open your eyes. Now, keep them open. Eyes and heart and ears. Three jewels of themselves that open to more.

Infinite treasure. One treasure of many chests. One key fits all.

Empty your mind, and fill your heart.

Remove static.

Let be what is.

Do not dam up the stream.

Open the locks.

Let God flow through you in rippling waves of light.

God charges through you now. He has always lived with you. His home is with you. That is where He likes to be. Make room, and accept His presence, for that is knowing your worth.

You are a hostess to God. You host Him. You serve Him.

Almighty is your God. Almighty are His children.

The glory and power are love.

And you are the home of love, an estuary irradicably connected to the Main Stream.

God is here today. He is inside and out. He surrounds you. He buoys you.

Receive Him into your heart for that is where He dwells.

He sets up shop there.

He meditates there.

He swings there.

He keeps the universe with Him in your heart.

He expresses Himself there.

He is centered there.

He reads comic strips there and laughs.

Feel His laughter. It does not end.

Adopt Him as your own.

Take His Name.

Make His yours. Make yours His.

Your name is Child, and His is Father, and you are One Child/Father forevermore.