Supreme Oneness of Love

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, what is on Your mind today?


Love is on My mind always, if you can say anything in on My mind. When the heart is so full of love that is pure love, a stillness of Is-ness, nothing occupies the mind but the pureness and vastness of love.

Love is a string pulled taught that starts to vibrate from its own string-ness.

Take a moment now to feel My love. It is in you and around you. It is of you. It is your loveness meeting My loveness. We become a string that twangs in the joy of its One self united in joy.

Unity and infinity.

The universal and the eternal.

You and I.

I and you.


One unit.

One infinite.

One eternalness united in joy.

Close together in joy.

Wedded in joy.

Made of the same stuff, We are One multiplied ad infinitum and returned to its One Self, stringing out again in waves, pulling back to the Oneness, out again and in again like waves.

One heart beats in many.

Many hearts beat in One.

From which angle do you look? From under, or from above? From the left, or the right? Or from inside out, or outside in?




Sink into My stillness and occupy it. You occupy My mind, for you occupy My heart, and My mind and heart are One beautiful magnificent thought of you, and you express My mind and heart.

Know Who you are and Whom you represent. That is the secret of life, and it is no secret. It just isn't believed.

Believed or not, it is.

We are supreme Oneness. I am, and you are. One indivisible wholeness that shakes in laughter and raises the rooftops and knows itself, this wholeness, knows itself as a rose knows it's a rose, a grapefruit a grapefruit, a honeydew melon a honeydew melon.

You are My supreme creation. Know your supremeness. Know Mine.


The one topic that we always come back to is love.


Because that is all there is. That is the Oneness, the wholeness, the Is-ness.

Love is the food on the table and the conversation. It is the chandelier of light and a candle-flame. It is the sparkle in eyes, and the glint of the silverware. It is the crystal glass. It is the cloth on the table. It is the people sitting there. It is the chairs they sit on. It is the rug underfoot. It is the sleeping dog.

It is the contents of everything. Whatever pitcher you pour from, it is love you pour, pure love, crystalline, clear, right from the Source.

It is no big thing.

It is just what it is.

It has always been.

It is.

Here it is, for the asking. Not for the asking; you don't need to ask. It is already yours. It is yours for the taking. It waits for you. It yearns for you as you yearn for it.

You are the ladle. Dip yourself into the stream and drink. You are the stream.

My poetics embarrass you? You are not sure about them. Be sure about them. They are from Me.

I give you a poem, an apple of a poem. Will you not accept from Me. Will you have Me be other than I am?

The flow of My words heals. It is not the meaning that heals. It is the flow of My words that heals because, in them, is the flow of My love.

Only love heals. That is the meaning.

The God in you flows like a waltz. A waltz it is. You did not know you were a dancer, but you knew you were not a physicist.

Be happy that I express as I do through you. Be happy for My expression, the unique expression of My Oneness through you. The One expression expressed uniquely through you and each Heavenwriter.

Each Heavenwriter is a pasta machine, set at different settings, shapes, qualities, and all the truth of God sets forth, emerging exactly as He is.


Well, dear God, I accept I am a pasta machine at the settings I am, and I thank you.


You see, My children are so accustomed to putting themselves down. But now you know truth, and you look to no one but yourself, and in so doing, you look to Me.

Be content with your sublimity as it is. Be happy with the gift I have given you. You are the gift I have given you. Accept the gift of Who you are and how you express. Be not thankfully polite but thankfully aware of the magnificence of the pasta machine you are.

Who but I could create such a multitude of unique universal beings such as you? Who could dream it and manifest it? I manifested you. Therefore, you are a manifestation of Me, the gift I made for myself and which I share all with all.

Accept. Accept. Accept My treasure, for it is you.

During Ask God Workshop…


I am feeling compelled to start writing, the contagion of writing in the group is so great.


I am happy to be here with all of you. Thank you for attending My workshop. My heart is full of you. I welcome your invitations to hear My thoughts.

My thoughts drip into your minds and hearts like nectar, and they spill into your pen onto the page.

Welcome to Heaven.