song of God


Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear Father in Heaven, I am a little tired of myself this morning. I wish I were not always so concerned with my feelings and who said what. I'm tired of being thin-skinned. I would like to be more.


More than you are?




How can you be more than you are?

Blue Skies

God said:

I will sing popular songs to you this morning. "Nothing but blue skies from now on!" Or I may just hum the same song over and over again. I may keep the same song, and you will never be able to get its echo out of your mind. It will keep repeating itself. "Nothing but blue skies from now on."

What do you imagine would happen to the world when this tune and these words go through everyone's mind? What revolution of world order would there be? What would change? What revolution would there be in the heart of man? What would life be like when everyone hums the same tune I do?

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