pace yourself

You Are More Important Than Time

God said:

Go at the pace that is yours. Someone will tell you to hurry up. Someone else will tell you to slow down. I tell you to go at your own pace.

Time altogether is a great distracter in the world. Hurrying seems to be a factor in modern life. You are often rushing from one thing to another. I might ask you to slow down a little bit. Not really to slow down, but to follow your own inner pace. Everyone has an inherent rhythm of life, and it's best to let it be what it is.

The World Turns, and You Revolve

God said:

Admit. You hardly have a clue to what life is about. It is truly a mystery to you.

Every now and then you feel you have a grasp of it, and then the rug is pulled out from under you, and you are bewildered.

You seek to know the meaning of life, and yet the meaning slips and slides away from you. Just when you think you have it, it flies away.

You are the meaning, beloveds. It is yourself that you seek. It is yourself that is elusive. You catch glimpses and cannot quite see enough. You dance before yourself, and you dodge yourself.


God said:

There is not a moment wasted. All the moments you think you waste are okay. They provide ballast for you. They are spacers. They are called for. You cannot be going full-steam every moment. You are entitled to some idle time. You are entitled to time in between. You are entitled to breathe. Perhaps no one ever told you that before. Breathe, My children, breathe.

When you consider that, in the true arena of life, time does not exist, how then can time be wasted? How can what is not and never was be wasted? Is it not a fact in the world that energy can never be wasted?

Time, Pace, Infinity, and Language

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

About time, sometimes I feel I pursue it, or I try to pull it along, and it is mightier than I am. Like getting the HEAVEN web page together, learning Money 99 — it seems to be dragging on forever.

Is there something inside me that is holding this back, or is it supposed to happen in its own time?



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