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Old Friends

Ever since I found Heavenletters™, I haven't looked at anything else. Today, if a sentence or an idea from something pre-HL comes to mind spontaneously, I just know, "Oh, that was really good."

There is a Heavenletter that has been accompanying me, almost haunting me, since it appeared as #2995 on February 5, 2009: Speak a New Language. Let me quote from it a little before I give you the quotation I want to share with you.

If you are not feeling happy or content or useful or whatever you want to call the essence of feeling okay and good with life, you have chosen what you are feeling.
Move feeling good about yourself and life to the top of your list.
The dictator you live under is your own thinking.
If you really loved yourself, would you serve yourself from a platter of unwanted foods? I think you would serve yourself delicacies. You would not even think of distasteful foods in the first place.
Perhaps you have called feeling unhappy and talking about it as being honest. Do you honestly want to feel dejected? Do you honestly want to spread unhappiness? You may say you can only be who you are. I am saying that Who you are is not what you may have been speaking. When you are feeling what you would rather not feel, you are not being Who you are.

Now, I found, and you may have found, that I cannot simply decree to be who I am from now on. But perhaps I can at least avoid eating things I don't like and that aren't even nourishing. Perhaps I can gently turn away from that platter and enjoy a moment or two of silence instead.

This is what the quotation I want to share is about. It's helping me a lot and getting louder an louder. Here it is:

Don't go there!
