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HEAVEN #2217 Knowing God December 19, 2006

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HEAVEN #2217 Knowing God December 19, 2006 (written in Germany when I was there)

God said:

Holy vessels, through you I pour Myself out. You are the pitcher through which I flow. Poured as you may be, you are never empty. Infinite am I, infinite are you, and infinite is My supply, therefore yours. There is no dearth of God. There is no dearth of you. Abundance abounds. Infinite abundance abounds. You are the pitcher from which I pour, and you are the cup into which I pour the contents of the pitcher. You are My unbounded Self. This is a secret you have kept from yourself.

You may have heard that you are My unbounded Self. You may have repeated it. Until the realization arises from the well of your own heart, it is hearsay, and you can only give lip service to it. This is the meaning of Know the Truth, for the Truth shall set you free. Ticker-tape truth may be true, yet it is not your Truth. It did not issue from you. You heard it with your ears, or you read it with your eyes, and you repeated it with your lips. Second-hand truth is second-hand truth. You can have first-hand truth. You are meant to have first-hand Truth. I mean for you to have first-hand truth.

Go to the well to drink. Bottled water from the well is bottled water. It has limits. There is a bottle cap on it. It has been delineated, weighed and measured. It is no longer free-flowing.

Come to the spring of My heart to drink. It is ever-flowing. Fresh water is the best to drink. It is fresh water because it is ever-flowing. My love is ever-pouring to you. It rains down upon you. Capitalize on it. Drink from My hands. Here, I will show you how. Water passed on is water passed on. Better to bring everyone to the well. Show them where it is. Let them see for themselves. Let them cup their hands at the spring from which all life flows.

The sun sparkles on the water of life. The mountains keep it cool. Why am I here if not for you to drink? Why are you here on Earth if not to drink the waters of Heaven I pour upon you?

Do you need permission? Whose permission do you need? Only your own. Give yourself permission to come to the entrance of My love and to take it with you wherever you go. My knowledge is the water of the mountains which you come to yourself. My love is that which you dispense the way mist rises from the ocean.

Point My children in the direction where the wellspring of God’s knowledge exists. Show them where they can make it their own. Filter not the water that is Mine to give and theirs to receive. Be not a bottling plant. Dispense love. Bring My children to Me, not to you. You are My usher. Usher the children unto Me. Do not detain them. I am for them as well as for you. Funnels are not necessary. Funnels contract before they allow the wine to flow. Let My knowledge flow from Me.

The entrance to Heaven is wide. There is room for all. Point to Me. Point to Heaven. My speech is simple. All can hear Me. All are privy to Me. Introduce your friends to Me. Let them get to know Me themselves. I need not an interpreter. I speak the language of all.

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