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Quotations By Bill Austin

Copyright 2005,Bill Austin,
All Rights Reserved.

What I see, God sees.
What I hear, God hears.
What I touch, God touches.
What I taste, God tastes.
What I smell, God smells.
Whatever I experience, God experiences.

If I love not myself,
How can I love God who creates me and dwells in me?
If I love not my brothers and my sisters, the furry ones, the winged ones, the water dwellers; How can I love God who dwells in them?
If I love not and honor not the Earth,
How can I love God who creates the planets, stars, galaxies and universes?
For I live in a holy world in a holy relationship with God, myself,
all living beings and the planet/universe.

To be happy, I must release fear.
To be happy, I must release judgment.
To be happy, I must release attachments.
To be happy, I must surrender.


I sleep well every night;
Every area of my life flows;
I always exist in a state of Love and Peace;
I help others to heal themselves;
I accept others and they accept me;
I never worry about money;
I always stay centered in the present;
I am surrounded by beauty;
I am one with my Soul;
I grow through JOY every day.

To learn something new, you must UNLEARN something old.
To discover who you are, you must UNDO who you were.
To find your true self, you must DIE to the old one.
Nothing NOW is as it was.
Nothing NOW is as it was.
Nothing NOW is as it was.
Dear Father/Mother God,

On my own, the life I create is a mess and I live in fear.
But I know that within me is part of Thee.
I ask that you transform me into Thee:
That I be cleansed and purified and created anew by Thee.
I ask that every moment I grow nearer to Thee, and
that I become a clearer channel of your Love and Light and Spirit.

Rejoice for
We are both Human and Divine;
We are both Light and Shadow;
We are both Male and Female;
We are both Spirit and Matter.

To become whole:
We celebrate both our Divinity and our Humanity;
We reflect both our Shadow and our Light;
We embrace both the Female and the Male within;
We unite both the worlds of Matter and those of Spirit.

For ultimately we are God linking God to God.

It takes two to make comparisons.
It takes two to compete.
It takes two to argue.
It takes two to gossip.
It takes two to fight.

Help make the world a better place:
Who am I?

I don't know who I am.
I do know who I am not.

I am not my body or my clothing.
I am not my emotions or my feelings.
I am not my thoughts or my desires.

I am not my job or my money.
I am not my partner or my family.
I am not my gender or my sexual orientation.

I am not my past.
I am not my future.
I am not even my present.

I am not the tree or the animal.
I am not the land or the sea.
I am not the moon or the sun.

I am who I am.
You are who you are.
You and I are One.

Who am I?
Who are you?

We are all Called.

Called to Love.
Called to Joy.
Called to Peace.
Called to Life Everlasting.

Do you hear the Call?
Will you heed the Call?

I'm OK.
God made me so.

In good times or bad, I'm OK.
In sickness or health, I'm OK.
In abundance or lack, I'm OK.
When it rains or when it shines, I'm OK.

I'm OK.
God made me so.

Our Glorious Mother/Father God;
Who art Everywhere.
How Wonderful is Your Name.

Reveal Your Love Here.
Align my will with Thine:
Within and Without,
Above and Below.

Sustain me in Your Love.
Help me to Forgive myself.
Let me Overflow with Love.

Show me when I stray
and where I stray.

Help me to express Both my Light
and my Shadow.

For You are ALL THAT IS
or Was
or Will Be.

Bill Austin