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HEAVEN #2082 Into the Castle July 18, 2006

Hi Lauri,

How to let go. That seems to be our biggest challenge
in this process. You are not alone in this. We tend to
hang on to our hurts because something about our egos
wants to somehow get even someday. Perhaps remembering
hurts, and thus hanging on to them, will warn us of
future hurts. If we see ourselves as alone in this
universe then we NEED to protect ourselves from
certain pain. I would say that the first step in
letting go, and thus emptying our hearts of past
grief, is to widen our sense of who we really are.
Heavenletters as a daily part of our intellectual diet
pushes us to recognize our divine largerness. We are
gods in our own right.

Twice daily meditation or prayer, or both, calms the
mind. In most cases it is the mind that fills the
heart with hurt. The mind remembers hurts and

Forgiveness is also powerful. Do a daily ritual where
you forgive all your hurts. You don't even have to
remember what they were. Just forgive. In the
beginning it might feel false and shallow, but keep
doing it until it begins to feel a little deeper. I
took several years to forgive in my own life. I
forgave my parents for anything that they might have
done to hurt me. I forgave everybody else as well,
just to cover all bases. By that time I had little
idea what I was forgiving. I just knew that I needed
to forgive. AND I forgave myself for ever feeling that
I deserved any hurts or that I was inferior in any way
because of them. Forgiveness does not imply that you
have to embrace anybody that you forgive. It is only a
way of letting those pains and hurts go.

Visualize a purple ball in front of you and put all
your hurts into it. Then move that ball around to one
side of you. Do the same by putting all remaining
hurts into it. Move that ball arounf to your back and
fill it again, then around to the remaining side and
repeat the procedure. Then take that ball and let it
ascend to heaven as an offering to god.

Do this in the deep spirit of love that is spoken of
in heavenletters. God will happily take your pain in
order to help you become a beacon of love for him in
return. The pain never touches him. He dissolves it
into nothingness.

Whenever a thought pops up in my awareness that is
negative or fearful I stop and imagine that thought
bursting into flame, the smoke drifting up towards
heaven like a sacrificial offering. I rethink my
thought in a loving light and go on about my business.
I am constantly training myself to remain filled with
loving thoughts with which to fill my heart. The
constant message of heavenletters that I am a beacon
of love is a reminder that powerfully helps me to
remain loving.

As this process has evolved I find that I am no longer
a damaged old car. I have used the tools of love that
I now find in my toolbox and I have rebuilt myself
into a very valuable classic automobile.


--- mauidelite <TheHeavenLetters [at] heavenletters [dot] org>


Today's letter spoke loud and clear to
sounds great - but I don't comprehend HOW you
"empty your heart of past associations, past grief,
past holdings"? You don't have to work through
them, confront them, learn from them first
[Question] I can look out another window and see a
brighter future, but the hurt of the last 21 years
doesn't disappear. Am I hanging on to it - "like a
comforting old bathrobe" [Question] I want to
move on, but feel damaged - like a car crumpled in
an accident. Not totaled, but not "good as new"
either. Suggestions?


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Purple Ball


Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your insights. I did the purple ball visualization and felt a funnel, with the wide side against me, and a flood of pain and hurt flowing from me to the purple ball - it was a torrent of emotion and there were tears as it was happening. There was WAY more than I imagined, and it kept flowing and flowing. At first it seemed as though there was no bottom to it all... and then I noticed a lightening inside. I moved the ball to the side and the torrent began again. It seemed like a simple exercise, and I was surprised by the amount of pain I was able to release into that purple ball. I repeated this process all around me - and it seemed to emanate from my waist/gut area. I released the ball to the heavens... I sense that I need to repeat this exercise - just to get at all the layers. I do feel it working. And I thank you for taking the time to be there for me.


HEAVEN #2082 Into the Castle July 18, 2006

Hi Lauri,

What a powerful respone. One thing I know from
spiritual practices is that there definately are
layers, so keep doing it as long as it works. I am
very happy for you.

Love and happiness,

--- mauidelite <TheHeavenLetters [at] heavenletters [dot] org>



Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your
insights. I did the purple ball visualization and
felt a funnel, with the wide side against me, and a
flood of pain and hurt flowing from me to the purple
ball - it was a torrent of emotion and there were
tears as it was happening. There was WAY more than
I imagined, and it kept flowing and flowing. At
first it seemed as though there was no bottom to it
all... and then I noticed a lightening inside. I
moved the ball to the side and the torrent began
again. It seemed like a simple exercise, and I was
surprised by the amount of pain I was able to
release into that purple ball. I repeated this
process all around me - and it seemed to emanate
from my waist/gut area. I released the ball to the
heavens... I sense that I need to repeat this
exercise - just to get at all the layers. I do feel
it working. And I thank you for taking the time to
be there for me.



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HEAVEN #2082 Into the Castle July 18, 2006

Dear Lauri,
As hard as it may be to believe, you are not "damaged"
by past grief, "like a car crumpled in an accident",
you are actually improved by it. Speaking as a
recovering grudge-holder, I hung on to the past like
Linus from the Peanuts comic strip hung on to his
blanket! What I am learning is this: You have to look
hard at the past and see it clearly for what is was.
If it hurt, acknowledge that it hurt. Then once you
have seen it clearly, you can release it. You can
choose to let it go and refuse to give it any more of
your time or energy. All the good lessons you learned
from those challenges stay with you, but the pain
vanishes. The future before you is brightly lit and
totally unencumbered by the past.

--- mauidelite <TheHeavenLetters [at] heavenletters [dot] org>


Today's letter spoke loud and clear to
sounds great - but I don't comprehend HOW you
"empty your heart of past associations, past grief,
past holdings"? You don't have to work through
them, confront them, learn from them first
[Question] I can look out another window and see a
brighter future, but the hurt of the last 21 years
doesn't disappear. Am I hanging on to it - "like a
comforting old bathrobe" [Question] I want to
move on, but feel damaged - like a car crumpled in
an accident. Not totaled, but not "good as new"
either. Suggestions?
