Like the Stars

God said:

Isn’t it interesting how I have more faith in you than you do in Me? My faith in you is more than faith. It is knowing. It takes no effort for Me. I hold you in trust. My confidence in you is beyond question. I do not ponder it. I do not discuss it. I don’t write treatises on it. Like the sun, My trust in you just is. Like the stars, My trust in you shines. Like the moon, My faith in you reflects.

You may wonder how this can be so because you have disappointed yourselves so many times. You wonder how can I not be disappointed. You wonder how a God could have so much faith in such a wee Being, one who bumps his head against the wall so many times, the one who rants and raves, the one who, it may be said, pays so little attention to Me.

My faith in you eclipses all that. I do not see with the world’s eyes. I see with Mine, and what I see is very good. I made you, and I made you love. I know the ingredients with which I made you, and I know they were good and of the highest quality. I know far better than you where your heart lies. I know what you are capable of, and I know what you will do. I know who and what you are, and I know the Truth of you which you do not. Oh, you may give lip service to knowing, but you fiddle around with doubt.

I have no doubt because I have knowing. My faith in you never was in question. It never was debatable. When I look at you, I see the golden light I made you of. I see Myself reflected in you. I see nothing else. I look for nothing else, and I see nothing else. I see pure golden light. All the fluff and fussing and fuming are not in My vision. I hear you tell Me of them, and I understand your cardboard fantasies, but I do not look at them. My eyes are looking into yours, and I know what I see, and I know what is worth seeing. What is not worth seeing cannot hold My attention. I cannot take My eyes off you, beloveds.

I store you in My heart. I keep My eyes locked on you. What else would I want to look at but your pure light? The golden light that emanates from you is not My imagination. I am not fooled. It is you who has fooled yourself. I know what I see, and I know what you don’t. Would you not like to see with Me? You do have the eyes to see. From light to light We see.

That I am everywhere means that I am everywhere. There is nothing to see but Me and My light. The sun has nothing over you. The sun is not mightier. The sun is more attuned, that’s all. The sun is attuned because it does not divert itself. The sun knows it is light. It knows it is to shine. It knows its path, and it follows it. While you, My beloveds, attach yourself to a story you are telling, and to events, when there is only one event, and that is you, and that is I, and that is Our Light entwined and dancing ever more.

Trees grow upward. They seek the sun. Roots not withstanding, trees grow toward Heaven. Even weeds look up. Sunflowers chose their name well. And you are a sunflower, and you are the sonflower or daughterflower of God. You are a vine winding its way up to Heaven. Every growing thing on Earth moves toward the light of Heaven. What can stem the tide?

The flowers and trees and vines do not doubt. They know what gives them life, and they know to grow toward it. Be like a flower in its wisdom. Come, rise to Heaven so you can meet your Self.