
This That Is Called Karma

God said:

What is called karma is not as described. It is not payback. It is a continuation of something unfinished. That's all.

Most of your relationships are unfinished. No divorce is final. Even death does not end your relationships. You just haven't gotten to the good part of the story yet, that's all. But, of course, at some point, the story as you knew it, the story as you wrote it, goes up in smoke. It turns out it was only a story, after all. Then, perhaps, you are finished with it.

So You Fly through the Air

God said:

How did your individuality come to be you? How is it you have the talents you have? How is it you are influenced by urges within you? How is it that one person becomes what is a called a great success, and another does not do well in terms of the world? How is it that one can come from a favorable background and not do well, and someone from an unfavorable background with all the odds against him can do exceedingly well?

How much is fate, you ask, how much is karma?

Beloveds, it is not fathomable. You cannot understand what you cannot understand.

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