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HEAVEN #1946 The Spring of Your Life March 21, 2006

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HEAVEN #1946 The Spring of Your Life March 21, 2006

God said:

Do you not know that this is the spring of your life? Do you not know that your life is beginning in this moment? The illusion of seeing yourself as a separate Being has come to an end. Your heart is shining like the sun now.

Your heart is a sun. It radiates light. And your heart shines for all. Your heart is a golden sun spinning. Its rays are love shining out to the world. Your heart is a blessing I gave to the world. You and the world are a mutual blessing. You don't quite see that as yet, but you will, you will. You will not be able to not see the beautiful reciprocity of you and the world. The world will fit in your heart. It will be awash in your love.

Is it not fitting that you shine your love on the world the way the sun shines on Earth? Only, your heart sweeps around the world. The sun in the firmament only seems to rotate, while the sun of your heart rapidly spins. Each beat of your heart makes your heart spin. Bless the beautiful heart of love that spins in your chest, and may all hearts beat in unison.
Let the world rest itself on your heart for a while. Be like a mother to Earth for a moment.

Your heart is a center hall of love. It leads everywhere. Love walks through the atrium of your heart. Lighted by love, seeds are planted, seeds grow, birds sing, and the whole world is enlivened, spurred by the beat of your heart, your golden heart that attunes the world to it. Your heartbeat is the tom-tom of Earth. Your heart revolves the Earth. Your heart beats in tandem with the Earth. Your heart sets the rhythm of Earth.

Your heart lights the night stars. It moves the moon. It performs perfectly. All homage to your heart. Have you been neglecting it? Have you set your heart aside as if of no importance? Do you not know it is the cornerstone of life?

Your heart beats to the cadence of your soul. Your heart turns over, and your soul basks in the bright light of your heart. Your heart takes your soul to heart. Your soul reclines there. Your soul travels wherever it likes, and yet it reclines in your heart.

Have you forgotten that you are heart and soul? Consider your heart a kite held by your soul. The soul pulls your heart along. It lifts your heart. It may take your heart with it and return it softly as a baby to its cradle. How intimate are your heart and soul, and how intimate are they to the Earth and life on it.

It's a wonder that you have ever thought yourself separate, for you are separate from nothing. You are One with Everything. You are Oneness Supreme. You have never been otherwise. You have been seeking yourself, beloved. You are the Kingdom within, and you are also Everywhere and Everything else. You are My thought made manifest. I manifested you in Wholeness, and Wholeness you are. You are just the last to know, the last to see, but see you will, and then there will be no first nor last. There will be Oneness. The sun shining in your heart will be known. It is all that will be known. There will be nothing else to know but the love in your heart shining for all mankind, shining love in spectacular brilliance, waving light on Earth. Your heart is My magic wand, and I wave it now, and its light sparkles until everything is seen for the light it is.

Copyright@ 3-21-06

HeavenlettersT -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The GodwritingT International Society of Heaven
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