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Growing in God


1. What in your childhood might have led to your great spiritual adventure now?

I spent a lot of time reading and communing with nature, as well as journaling my feelings and thoughts. I seemed to talk to God a lot in my writings, asking how I could be most helpful to the world.
2. What do you imagine are the steps that brought you to this place in your spiritual life where you are now? Can you think of some turning points?

Having gone thru cancer treatment at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America and having them take a holistic approach to healing brought me back to ponder what I really want to do with my life. Writing was a part of the answer.

3. How clear was your path to God?

In my teenage years and adult years, I visited many places of worship, churches, synagogues, etc. Having been born Jewish, I found myself later speaking periodically at Unity Church. After years of meditating, devotional songs and poems flowed thru me and my writing turned to Godwriting over time.

4. What do you see as some past general influences on you?

Transcendental Meditation and the Art of Living Foundation, two wonderful organizations with techniques to release stress and enable the Being to unfold naturally.

5. Were there phrases you overheard or something that someone said to you that you think of and wonder about now?

God loves us all so much.

6. Looking back, what spiritual factors do you wish you might have had in your life? What would you change, if anything?

I think I am at the point of not wanting to change so much as I used to. I am learning more and more to accept things as they are and realize there is an underlying reason, we may not always be aware of, for everything.

7. What steps did you take toward greater closeness with God?

Meditation, breathing techniques, writing, art, dancing, creativity in general.

8. Where are you now in your spiritual journey?

Still learning, still growing, still exploring.

9. How do you imagine talking and listening to God will change or add to your life? What would you want to happen?

It has already happened. I feel closer to God as a dear, dear friend, closer to myself as my own dear friend. I look forward to more of this greater closeness growing over time.

Beloved Laura, you have no

Beloved Laura, you have no idea how touched I am by what you wrote. It was a beautiful thing, your writing down and posting your spiritual journey. Thank you for being a Godwriter(tm).