Godwriting Workshop - Istanbul Turkey, 2009

Register online for:London-Welling || Turin, Italy || Istanbul, Turkey
All workshops in English and will be translated into Italian and Turkish. English speakers, attend any of the workshops!

Istanbul Turkey

Workshop details - Calismayla ilgili ayrintilar

tarih: 3- 4 Ekim, 2009
saat: 13:00 - 18:00 (her iki gün)
ücret: 270,- TL
iletişim: Şifa Çemberi Eğt. & Dan. Merkezi
tel: 0212-347 41 53-54 | cep tel: 0538-674 42 49
e-posta: sifacemberi@gmail.com

€ 112 - Çalışma ücretinin tamamının 15 Eylül’e kadar ödenmesi durumunda
Register before the 15 September for a 10% discount

€ 50 - Çalışmaya kesin kayıt için gerekli tutar. Kalan kısım çalışmaya girerken ödenecektir.
Register now and pay the remainder fees at the workshop

Click to register: Turkish | English

Workshop facilitators and hosts

This Godwriting Workshop is facilitated by Gloria Wendroff & Santhan & hosted by Lale and Jale from Şifa Çemberi
Translation from English to Turkish by Lale
Gloria, Lale, Jale & Santhan
Gloria Wendroff, Lale, Jale and Santhan

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Poster images

A3 poster in high resolution (6.3 Mb file) - http://mojah.cachefly.net/godwriting.org/a3-print-turkey-2009.png
A4 poster in high resolution (3.4 Mb file) - http://mojah.cachefly.net/godwriting.org/a4-print-turkey-2009.png
A5 poster image for hand outs - http://mojah.cachefly.net/godwriting.org/a5-print-turkey-2009.png
Web and email poster image - http://mojah.cachefly.net/godwriting.org/web-email-turkey-2009.png

Sample Poster

godwriting workshop poster turkey
godwriting-poster-turkey-draft-low-res2.png287.13 KB