giving love

The Altar God Wants You to Raise

God said:

You know you are important to Me, yet what if you were not the most important thing to yourself? How would your life be different? If you were not uppermost in your mind, what would be uppermost instead? What would fade and what would grow? And what then?

Life in the world is all about you at the same time as it isn't about you at all.

Imagine the Dancing

God said:

It is a beautiful thing to give love. Everyone I know in the world can use some quiet love, and I know everyone. We can call this love solace. Give solace to another, beloveds. This is the least you can do in gratitude to Me. It is in My heart and My trust and is My desire that you give solace, not to one, not to two, but to all.

Everyone has had a heartbreak or two. Everyone is recovering from something. It may be a long ago hurt. It may be from a recent blow. Every heart, no matter how brave its show, has entitlement to yours.

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