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Fear and Control

If you had an itchy case of Poison Ivy and came to me for a remedy would you accept the Poison Oak that I offer? If you believed it would help you, I know you would. But you are too smart for that. You could never believe that you could remedy a problem with its twin… or could you? If you noticed that you indeed were doing such a thing would you reconsider? I am sure you would.

Today is always a good time to notice things. If you care to, notice how many “inner movements” you experience today in efforts to Control. For example: You are sitting at the Red light with your stomach in knots from trying to will it Green while your mind is 2 miles down the road and the person in the car in front of you is stupid. How does that feel? Why is it there? Do you like this feeling? Does it serve you? Just how often do you feel this way and why? We insist on Control because we fear what will happen otherwise. And we think Control is the Remedy. But if you will simply notice that the emotional sensations are the same you will find your footing for closer re-evaluation and change.

In Fear your primary movements are “fight or flight”, reconciling thoughts are impossible to access and more often than not our most regrettable choices arise from this State. Our Inner Guidance System is telling us that FEAR and CONTROL “feel the same” because they “are the same”. And if we notice the reactions, quality of relationships and situational outcomes we experience in Control Mode, we can easily see that Control creates as Fear creates because it is Fear’s primary expression.

We have been so confused over this that we even mistake this state of being with its accompanying actions for Love. We fear for others and call it love. We inject others with fearful thoughts trying to control their actions and call it love. We make laws, rules and prohibitions and call it love. We wring our hands and worry fearfully and call it Love. But love doesn’t feel this way at all. Love and fear don’t occupy the same frequency. Nor do they produce the same quality of experiences. Love does not grapple for Control for Love is in Control already and we see it not. And it is Fear and grappling for Control that keeps us from seeing this.

At some point the Quality of our Life Experiences becomes a priority. Love thinks that’s a good idea.