Ego Energy

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I really do feel something special as I enter data for You.


I told you!


Yes! I still have plenty of entering to do, and now Joanna has some of the web page for me to go over. This is a lot for my nervous system. I also have to wonder what blocks I have toward the completion of the web page because I get a sinking feeling instead of feeling elated.


The blocks to the web page are from energy around you. That energy enters you as fear, so it is ego energy that does a number on you.

You are the ballerina who has been practicing for her big moment. Now her big moment is here, and she trembles to go on stage.

Her fears are: "What if no one likes the dance? What if I trip? What if my dancing isn't really good, and I have deluded myself. And, if I have, where, oh, where do I go from here? What do I do with my life?"

She also fears: "What if my dance is a great success? Then my life isn't my own any longer. Then my world explodes, and do I really want it to? How can I possibly be adequate for success? Aren't I more comfortable with anonymity and mediocrity? Why would I risk the limelight? It is so safe and comfortable in my little world."

Gloria, the web page is an ocean voyage for you from which you cannot return. You are wondering if you really want to go and leave the familiar behind. Maybe you are thinking it's more fun to plan and think about the web page than to have it.

You know all the answers here. You and Johanna will complete the web page, and that means another yank in your consciousness. You are afraid to go fast, but go fast you must and will. You cannot stay behind the curtain forever.

The heavenletter web-page is putting your love for Me out there, and you feel it will be unprotected, vulnerable to disdain or anything. I am not vulnerable, and I need no protection, and no more do you.

I want attention on Me. Even negative attention will fulfill My intent.

I, your God, wish to be up and running on the internet in as many forms as possible.

Put your little ego away. Whatever the response — all you would desire or all you would not — nothing is changed but your coming face to face with your fears.

This is a transition in life. It is bigger for you than getting married or anything else you can think of. It is the biggest thing you have ever done.

You are declaring Me on line.

You are declaring yourself.

This is your commitment of commitments. There is only going forward. Like with Jeanne d'Arc, there is nothing else you can do.

Declare, proclaim Me on the web. Lay down your life for Me. Your life is no longer your life. You only thought it was anyway.

Now you rise to another platform, that is all. Don't be scared. I am with you.

Unlike Jeanne d'Arc, you have no battle to face. All your battles are internal.

You are casting your irrevocable vote, and your hand hesitates and trembles, but cast the vote, it will.

Whatever happened to Gloria who could read a novel all day and concern herself with little else than personal and household matters, whose view extended no further than her front sidewalk? Would you really want to retreat to her?

You are going public. It is as easy as that. You are doing nothing. You push a switch for Me, and I take it from there.

You don't think you are making a mistake to air Me, do you?




So pick up your marbles, enter data, complete web-page in short order, and watch for Me. See what I can do.

Your doubts are not of Me but of you. Doubt yourself all you want, but work for Me, and your doubts will fall away like leaves from a branch on a windy autumn day. When leaves fall, you do not bend to pick them up and put them back on the tree.

Gloria is Gloria now, not Gloria before. Personal Gloria is shaken by the wind, but the Gloria I speak to is My love and My strength, and My errand-runner.

You have web-page-itis. It is a passing thing. It lasts a short time. It is itchy and uncomfortable while you have it, but fades and leaves no trace.

If were your web-page, you might have cause to tremble. But it is Mine, and I laugh at your fears. Do you the same.