Beyond the Surface

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, when you said yesterday that we are learning acceptance, you meant acceptance of our worth, not acceptance of the grungy things in life?

Mother Divine:

God doesn't want you to accept unhappiness, which is the opposite of knowing your worth, or pain, which is another ignorance, and so on. But that does not mean that you fight against what annoys you because what you fight you make stronger. Accept and move on.


It seems to me that it is the little day in and day out annoyances that really get to me.

Mother Divine:

Others' annoying habits are potholes in the road and are to be stepped around. Reroute yourself. Deroute. Step out of the usual place. Rearrange something — yourself. Change one pattern. Or drop it.

Be real. Don't pretend, but put your eyes at another level.

Know what matters. Keep life simple. Life simple, and hearts pure.

When you deal only with the surface of things, you get into trouble. That's when your focus is in the wrong place. To the human, the surface is important. In truth, it is insignificant next to what is beyond it.

Beneath and beyond every surface is God's heart ringing in love. Christ heard that purity in everyone's heart. And so you must listen. Get out of the riffraff of your thoughts, and you will hear the ringing of God's love.

When your focus is on the surface, it is in the wrong place. To the human, the surface level is important. In truth, it is insignificant.

Every being wants beauty to look on. So look on beauty. In every fragment and shard of life, there is a beauty. It is as easy to see as the grime, except for your learned habits of attention.

Look at everything as if for the first time.

There is an expression in the world that says to look at everything as though for the last time. When you look at the passing of something — the last bite, the eaten chocolate, the last salute — you are looking at the wrong end of time. It has value in that you look beneath the surface and see life's preciousness and what it means to you, and, therefore, to God. Then you see love unfrocked, love free from the nonsenses of daily life.

The illusion of time, established in days, established in routines, is a deluder. It makes your attention go to repetition, go to before, go to what was, go to past, or jump ahead to future with all the past brought with it. The future is as unreal as the past.

If you did not keep the concept of time, you would naturally see beyond the surface and not get stuck in time. You would see what is, what is timeless and eternal and always true.

Let your heart take its cap off to truth, and your heart will see itself.


Dear Mother Divine, how is this done?

Mother Divine:

Intention. With intention, you have turned on a switch and left it on. Intention is like a vow made to yourself, and then let go of, just as your hand goes off the switch-plate. The light is still on.

Of course, you want to know life from more than the surface. The surface is fine, but it knocks you about or caresses you, but in either case, you are an object of the whim of the surface. You are like a log in the ocean, battered around by the heavy winds or buoyed by the light breezes.

When you meet what is below the surface, then you are always the same, for what is beneath the surface is always the same. What you meet is where your attention is.

Attention to time is inattention to truth. Attention on time is a magnificent delusion. It is attention to a calendar, to a deadline, a frustration, because time makes life a race or at a standstill.


Mother Divine, people have to get to work and school on time and so on.

Mother Divine:

That is the way of the world. As if everything matters.

Get to work and school on time, but walk to them. They are not the purpose of your life. Be on time but not in it.

Rush to love. Rush to truth.

Time and time again we come back to time. Consider time a diving board, and get off it.

Don't be a slave to time. Time is nothing. What is everything?


God and love.

Mother Divine:

And truth. When you are in your truth, you are out of the time-bind.

This is the difference between isness and doingness. Be, and then do. Being is the presence of infinity. Awareness of infinity is better than looking at the clock.

So, acceptance is being. It is not doing.

You are love. You do not need to do love.

You do not manufacture love or pull it from somewhere. You are love.

You do not dig for love. You hold the gold nugget in your hand. All hearts are hearts of gold. Notice the gold.


The next question is: how do we do this?

Mother Divine:

There is no how. It is not a doing. It is a letting.

Ask God for what it is you want. Ask what rather than how. The how will take care of itself. God is how.