Before the Sun Sets
My Friend, what and where are you setting out for? What do you want to be your path or paths in the world and, further, on -- to Me? What is your general direction as you see it?
At this time, there is no need to look for a map or an exact plan. Be assured you are not going down a garden path, as it is referred to in the world as going down the garden path meaning led astray, if I understand correctly, and I am sure I do.
Going down the garden path may be impromptu and off the usually trodden path. It may be considered a wrong turn or a wasted path to travel. This idea comes from a point of view that cares most about accuracy, when, in fact, what may be considered down the garden path at the time may be right down to business.
I, Myself, am not very businesslike. I am more heart-like, and I ask you to explore. To Me, exploration is worthwhile. To hit the exact apex of your life right on the nose first try isn’t something I see as essential.
I say: “Let’s see. Let’s find out. Beloved, you don’t have to be in a big hurry or any hurry at all. All will come in its own time.”
There may well be those of My Children who have one path to follow. There are many more who, before the Sun sets, will also have many side roads to take before they get onto the straight and narrow. There may well be possibilities that are well worth your travels which you might at first think of as off the main route, as you see it, merely sitting by the wayside, not worth dallying around in. Beloveds, for all you know, you may not recognize what essential path you may already be on.
With focus on achievement, you may miss an avenue you don’t want to miss. You may see a road as a detour taking you out of your way when it may actually turn out to be the exact path you are meant to take.
Finding your way in the world doesn’t have to be a quickie. It doesn’t have to be at lightning speed, nor does it have to be a sure thing. You don’t really have a race to win. As a matter of fact, what race is there to win? Even, if there were a race to win, you don’t have to be a whiz-bang at it.
You don’t have to rush. You don’t have to be Johnny-on-the-Spot, just, as in summer, you don’t have to pick all the flowers at once. I favor the idea of: All in good time.
At the same time, you don’t ration the flowers you pick forever either. By and large, Nature favors that there are always enough flowers to go round for everyone as it is. Easy does it! Anyway, you definitely don’t have to be the fastest kid on the block.
Have confidence that you will cover all your bets on Earth as well as spiritually all in good time. No one knows all the answers or even all the choices. Even so, you will find yourself at the right place at the right time. You cannot know everything, nor do you have to.
As you progress in life, picture yourself in a canoe in still waters. Lean back. Stop rowing for a while. Dribble your fingers in the cool waters. It doesn’t matter all that much when you arrive. You will arrive, and you will arrive as you are meant to.
See you!
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