Ascend in Glory

God said:

You think the world is vast. The world, as you know it, is finite. Finite is not vast. You are vast, however. You are infinite.

You are the picture I drew, and yet you are the picture I am still drawing. You also draw yourself. You are a coloring book, and yet you color yourself. You do not need to stay within the lines.

You have a box of crayons with all the possible colors, and you have your pick. Everyone does. You are coloring yourself in every day. Choose the colors you want.

Every day is mighty. Every day propels you forward. There is no staying the same. You are in flux. You are just beginning to find yourself out, for you are the land you explore. And you are the land you discover. You are the land you walk on, and you are the land you claim. You have not discovered all of yourself yet. Not by a long shot. In fact, you are just beginning. The beginning is momentous.

If you were a flower, you are just peeking up over the soil. You are a sprout. But, oh, what colors you will become. Not become, for you are all the colors already, but reveal. It is only a question of revealing yourself. It is to yourself that you must be revealed. Watch your leaves grow upward. Watch as the petals of you blossom, opening before your very eyes.

Like the flower, you are reaching up to Heaven. Even when your head is down, you are reaching up. Even when you despair, you are reaching up. Despair does not come in the absence of hope. Hope precedes despair, and it also follows.

You are also the ripe fruit on the vine. You are yours for the asking.

Did I not choose you? Why, then, would you not choose yourself? Why would you choose others over yourself? And why would you not choose to align yourself with Me?

It is well to make a conscious decision to step right up to Me, and make Me yours. I am yours beyond a doubt, but it's helpful when you acknowledge that you are Mine as well. You are My beautiful child. The worst you can be, beloved, is bewildered on Earth. Stay with Me, and you will see the sun rise, and you will see yourself ascend in glory. The world will become as Heaven to you.

You are not lost on Earth. It's just that you haven't Found yourself yet. You are not wanting. Only your awareness is wanting. You are far more than skin-deep. You are heart-deep. You are soul-deep. You are God-deep. You are deep in My heart, and I am in yours. Do you really imagine it could be otherwise?

What does your heart ache for that you do not already have? What is it you wish to become that you are not already? Whatever you desire – it is already yours. Now widen your vision so that you can see that what I say is God's Truth.

You are not a mere fraction of My love. You are all of it. You are My love entire. It is you, not I, who thinks you are less than the fullness of My love. I have your measurement, and it is infinite. Infinite is the glory of you. Infinite be your desires.

Odds are you have not desired enough. Your desires have fallen short. Think more in terms of desire than achievement. Desire is the tree that brings forth fruit. The tree comes first. Then everything is easy. Color in your desires.