All Stars Shine

God said:

You are going to feel let down by other people so long as you hold expectations of what they must be to you and what they must fulfill in order to be in your good graces. They may have expectations that you are not fulfilling as well. You don't have to, and they don't have to. Disappointment means nothing but that you have held different expectations. It is not necessary to feel disappointed when others distance their lives from you. There is no one who has to revolve around you, no matter how much you like to imagine they do.

You would be the first one to say that it is their life to live, and yet, you wish they would live it as you see fit. This is a tenuous hold you have on others' lives, and you are learning to let go of it. You are learning to free everyone from any so-called allegiance to you. They are free to come, and they are free to go. They are free to come and go. And you are free to let them and enjoy them anyway.

That others' choices are not the same as yours is nothing to hold against them or to feel uneasy about. A star in the firmament is not concerned with how far or how close other stars are to it. Your star in the firmament knows that all stars shine their own light, and that is all they are to do, to shine their own light. It is all that they can do. It is all that they must. It is no disgrace or infraction that they shine the light they have and not yours and not even give a backward glance.

All stars have My blessings.

When you give a party, you are glad when people arrive. And when they leave, you are glad too. Consider life a party then that you give and you don't mind that guests are transient. In truth, you do not want them all to be permanent, for that would mean you are obliged to host them. Free-wheeling is a wonderful thing. Others will twirl in your life so long as they want to, for reason or no reason at all. This is a freedom to give to yourself as well. You also can leave when you choose.

Some of My children are travelers in life. And others prefer to stay where they are. Who can say that one way is better than another.

Loyalty is considered a virtue, but it is not always. Sometimes loyalty misses a beat. In any case, loyalty cannot be required. Loyalty is or it isn't. Loyalty can be temporal. Be glad for it while it lasts.

Why be sad that life on Earth and all that transpires is temporal? I think you hardly want life to be permanent anyway. You were cast in clay, not in stone. Let life be like you.

You have mobility in life. All have mobility in life. All have the mobility to stay or to move. All have the mobility to make choices. No one is stuck anywhere. Minds and hearts are free and can blossom anywhere.

No one can let you down except that you have presumed and assumed. Your presumptions and assumptions are not the same as another's, nor is it your right to make them for another.

Greet all who enter your life with a full heart and kiss all who leave with the same full heart. Keep your hearts full, beloveds. Arrive and withdraw at your own pace and give that gift to others as well. Hold no strings to others' lives. Let others go like kites that want to fly and not be held on to.