Acknowledge and Toss

God said:

When resentment overpowers you, take a step back. What is there to resent, and who are you to resent it?

Someone thinks and sees differently from you. Their view of the world is not the same as yours. They do not regard you in the full bloom of love. Their priorities are skewed. And so are yours when you take umbrage to another's failings.

They let you down. They have failed you. Ego tells you that they have no right to do this. It is uncalled for. It is rude and unkind. And you are sensitive, and you feel your heart has been battered.

Your ego will recover. It always has. You will move on to other hurts along the way. Don't make too much of this one. Do not make too much of any of them. Do not let hurt become a way of life for you.

Acknowledge your hurt to yourself and then toss it away.

In terms of individual life, when you feel that a dagger of words has been thrown at you, stabbed you in the back, pull out the dagger and dispose of it. Under no circumstances are you to throw it back at the one who threw it. They were throwing it up in the air, and it landed on you. You are not to return the knife that stabbed you. Your life is not meant to be knife for knife. Acknowledge the wound in your heart, and then let it heal. There is no happiness and there is no healing in exacting payment from one who threw the knife of words. You are going to turn a corner. Your thoughts are not going to loiter with those you have allowed to cause you hurt, for you are rising to a higher consciousness. At this very minute, you are going to sing a higher note. You are no longer someone who digs themselves into hurt.

There is a tendency to feel betrayed. Someone undercut you. Someone was not the friend you thought. Someone thought nothing of their actions to you that you can't stop thinking about. If this is a cycle in your life, it is one you are ready to let go of.

Other people do not see and think as you do. They may be thinking of themselves and how right they are. They may not be thinking of you at all. They expressed an opinion in one way or another. Perhaps they were callous. Certainly they were unthinking. They may have forgotten about love, but you won't. They may not have known better, but you do.

Step out of the mine field of hurts, and conduct your life as you want it to be. You are a player not a hurter. You are meant to spread joy, not hurt.

Of course, you cannot spread joy that you do not have. Can you not be joyful regardless of someone else's mistake? You do not want to compound their error nor do you pretend it away. If it hurt you, it hurt you. But you are not loyal to your hurt, and you do not keep it and nurse it and build your thoughts around it. No, you let it fall to the wayside.

Life is solved on the subtle levels, beloveds, not the overt. You can heal any infraction. You do not build a nest to hurts. You do not store them, sort them, nor count them. Hurts are not important. Let your hurts be like unnamed birds that fly away into the distance and are not seen again.