According to Your Consciousness

God said:

Change must come from within you. No one can change you. No one should try. If change in you must come, it has to come from within you. Others will make their demands, but change is your choice. Forced change is not change. Obligated change is not change. Do not be so quick to acquiesce to others' ideas of what you should be or how you should live.

It seems clear to others just how you should conduct yourself. But your life can only be lived from your vantage point. You are the only one who sees just like you. Perhaps your seeing is distorted. Odds are it is. But so is everyone else's. Everyone sees from a particular window. One window isn't better than another. It's just the window you happen to be looking through.

You may decide to look through another window, and then you will. Or you may decide to wash the window you see out from now, and from a new clarity, you will see that which you didn't see before, and you will also not see some of what you steadfastly saw before.

Beloveds, everyone is your teacher, but it is not their place to teach you. It is your place to learn, not to be taught. If learning and change are to take place, you have to be your own teacher. If you are to accept something, you are the one who has to accept it. Acceptance is not an accomplishment. It does not come from effort. As your consciousness is, so do you see. According to your consciousness, so do you act.

Let go of achieving and start living the life you were meant to. The life you were meant to live rises from within you.

Someone may teach you how to drive a car, but they cannot teach you your life. You may choose to have someone give you a facial make-over, but no one has the choice to make you over. Impulse and energy come from within. Follow your interior guidance. You and I have a Connection Supreme. It does not behoove anyone to insert themselves between you and Me. You and I can work things out well enough on our own.

Even when someone asks you what they should do in a certain situation, use care in that you do not become too helpful. From your window you may be unquestionably right, but that is from your window. Even the child who chooses a nickel rather than a dime because the nickel is bigger is entitled to his choice. You cannot learn for someone else. Save your learning for yourself.

No one can change your mind for you. Yet you repeatedly try to change someone else's mind in your sincere endeavor to bring their purview more in accord with yours.

Sometimes you are never more mistaken than when you are so sure you are right!

You are not to meddle in someone else's life. You have enough to do to take care of your own deportment.

It is not for you to cut through anyone's aura. Wait until you are invited, and then tread lightly. Everyone has inalienable right to live their own life without interference from you. Truly you would not like to take over responsibility of another's life. You might well change your tune then. Change your tune now.