A Glitter House

God said:

Your body is a palace. Within this palace is a chamber dedicated to love. It is called the heart. This chamber echoes throughout the palace.

This palace is a house of love.

The chamber of the heart is like a world at the bottom of the sea where love swims in and out like fishes.

The castle of your heart is a Glitter House. It is decorated for Christmas all year long. Lights are strung along every wall and entrance, nook and cranny, highlighting the love that emanates to and fro.

What is the business of your life about but love? What business does anything but love have to do with you? Your heart is to embrace everyone and everything. Less than love has no business in your heart. Anything less than love is like a spy who has infiltrated your heart in order to interrupt its flow of love. Anything else but love is the infiltrator, and you the saboteur.

From the depths of your heart, proclaim yourself the love that you are. Love yourself. Love your heart. Love all the fish that swim in and out. You may not know all the treasure you have swimming there. You may have been dog-paddling on the surface or floating on your back and unaware of the depths your heart goes to and the lengths it would go to when you say Yes to it.

You may have shaded your heart to prevent the sun from warming it. Confess. You have done many things to avoid the love that is already in your heart. And you have done many things to avoid the love that would enter your heart. You perhaps have been too particular. Even though love costs nothing, you may have been stingy with it. Beloveds, you do not want to be exclusive, choosey, haughty, restrictive, calculating about love. Love is to be followed.

Your heart is not meant to be a dungeon that holds prisoners. Your heart is meant to be the key that lets all prisoners free. Your heart was never meant to chain itself.

Yes, let your heart go rampant in the world. Let your heart out so that it may discover itself. Let your heart be a tumbler of love, a somersaulter of love around the curve of the Earth. Let your heart have the fulfillment of giving that which it so desires to give. Let your heart be a detective on a caper, its mission to detect itself.

Your heart is not intended to know winter. It is meant to spring in bloom, to summer at the beach, and to let leaves fall in autumn everywhere for everyone to run through. Your heart is meant to be bared. Your heart is meant to be tender and throbbing. Never was your heart meant to be hard, stiff, difficult to please. Your heart is invulnerable. No reason to halt it, preserve, reserve it. Let your heart be.

You may worry that your heart is too soft, but it is not your heart that is at fault. When you give your heart freely, you take no prisoners. When you know that all love is Mine, then why would you ever take affront? When you accept My love for you, you do not even see affront. You take nothing personally because it is not yours to take. Yours is to give love. Give love like flyers you hand out in the street. All you do is hand them out. No one has to take one. You are too busy handing out flyers of love to think about who takes one or what they do with it.

Your heart is not meant to do arithmetic. Your heart is meant for love and for love alone.