A Flying Bird of Paradise

God said:

Whether you look outside from your window, or you are outside and looking in, it is you who looks. You are positioned in a different place, that’s all. Wherever you point, you point to what is inside you. The same view is different according to your perception of it. This is not a new story. You always have seen the world as you see it.

It’s just like a movie you go to. You think it’s wonderful, and your friend doesn’t like it. Was not the same movie on the screen? What is different about the movie but who is looking at it? We could say you internalized it, but it’s equally as true that it externalized you.

You stand on a mountain, and you have your viewpoint. You see the whole territory. You are not caught in a detail of it. A whole vista is before you, and it is breathtaking.

From below, you see other things. You may feel it would be hard to reach the top of the mountain, perhaps impossible. But when you get there, when you reach the summit, you wonder what you let detain you and why you thought it was hard at all.

You can only see from where you are. But it is your level of consciousness that you see from. You can only see from your level of consciousness. You see from where you stand, and you stand in your consciousness. When your consciousness is mountain-high, it doesn’t matter where your body stands.

It isn’t that you climb the mountain to attain enlightenment. You climb the mountain so that you can see better and further. You climb the mountain so that your view is more closely aligned with Mine, for I see everywhere all at once. I have a great grasp.

Beloveds, your consciousness is in your heart. Your heart relays to your mind, and finally your mind catches on. The heart knows, and the mind can only interpret. Your heart knows instantly. It needs no explanation nor appraisal. The knowledge of the mind arises after the heart’s knowingness.

Your heart already knows everything. You already stand on the mountaintop. Your confused mind has confused you. It makes you work at climbing that mountain and claiming it as your own. Your mind sanctions or it does not. It will always find reasons, and yet it is reasonless. We could say that the mind is like a piece of paper you write a formula on. The formula is the formula whether it is written on paper or not. The formula is not dependent upon the paper. The paper is after the fact.

Have you not experienced that you knew something all along, and only later do you recognize that you had known it all along. You knew it. You just didn’t know you knew it. It was known, but unknown to your mind. You may have had spontaneous right action long before your mind knew what was the right action. As valuable as the mind is, it is a lagger whereas your heart is a sprinter, a soarer, a flying bird of Paradise.

Beloveds, you think you are in a valley called Earth. All the while, you stand on a peak in Heaven. Your mind has difficulty in accepting it. It is not you who has difficulty in accepting, just your mind. What is there to accept when you already have it? You have seen the wonders that your mind cannot yet contemplate. You are privy to all the love and wisdom in the world. If this were not so, would there be Godwriting? Would there be God-art and Godmusic? Would there be life, and would there be love? You have that which passeth all understanding. You just don’t yet have the understanding, and yet what is there to understand?