United Kingdom India
New Zealand Canada
South Africa
Australia Belgium
Ireland Moldova
The Netherlands
Email from Subscriber in U.K. re last Heaven News:
Hi have just noted -- where is the flag for the United Kingdom in the last issue of Heaven News? Why only a box with a cross. Maybe I am being a little childish. Everyone else has a flag -- why not us?Dear U.K., please know how sorry we are. We love every country tremendously. Why did all the other flags reproduce properly and not the flag of the United Kingdom – I don’t know, some technical glitch. You may be sure it was not deliberate. We LOVE the U.K.! I will have to be more careful about proofing in the future. Your country would be proud of you for speaking up, and I am too. To make up for our error, we’ve made the British flag extra big today! God bless the U.K.
Michigan, Florida, Iowa, Virginia, New York, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Illinois, Idaho, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Jersey, Washington, West Virginia, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Oregon, North Carolina, Maryland, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Massachusetts
Email from Subscriber who lives in the state of Arkansas re last Heaven News:
Don't forget to include Arkansas. Thanks
Dear Arkansas, please note that the states and countries represented in Heaven News are solely from new subscribers who have arrived since the previous Heaven News went to press! We would never want to leave out any state or country. We definitely have subscribers from every state in the U.S. and almost every country in the world. Although there are no new subscribers this issue from Arkansas, here’s the Arkansas flag!
Everyone is so welcome. Most new subscribers come through the great people who are already subscribing, and we thank you very much.
Bruce of Maine sent this link that shows how beautiful outer space is tinyurl.com As yet, we have no subscribers from these regions. :)
And Priscilla sent us this photo of a meeting of a spiritual group, Genesis:
J.T. Egley Photography
Doesn’t this photo show Oneness and the power of a group meeting together? Do you agree that it applies to all of us on the internet as well?
Speaking of groups of Oneness:
Saturday and Sunday, March 17 and 18
1 - 5 P.M. One workshop in two sessions.
Sacred Spiral Studio
1558 First Street, Minden, NV 89423
Call Michelle 775 782-4313
Email: michellegabler@yahoo.com
Michelle is offering this workshop by donation, and she and her team suggest $100. Thank you, Michelle, for making this workshop possible. You may be sure I look forward to meeting you and all the inspired people you bring into the light.
Heaven’s dear friends, Larry & Carol, who sponsored the Montana workshop, and their neighbor Richard, made a moving banner of Heavenletters. See how delightful it is! www.mobizman.com (You must also see this link that they sent, tinyurl.com. This very short video really puts everything in perspective.)
Coincidently, Kirt, Heaven’s volunteer webmaster, came up with these presentations: www.heavenletters.org and www.heavenletters.org Enjoy!
Kirt also has put up E-Book #20, The Zen of Love. And E-Book #21, as yet untitled, is almost ready. www.heavenletters.org Jana www.iamamiracle.com wrote the foreword to Ebook 20. Doris Boyle www.crossroadssolutions.org is writing the foreword to E-book 21.
Adrachin, the administrator for the forum, keeps the forum wheels moving, and Kirt, Heaven’s webmaster, also helps out. Many thanks to all Heavenreaders who post their responses to the daily Heavenletters on the forum where everyone can read them and respond to everyone else’s comments. heavenletters.org
Santhan of Mojah Media now has taken over setting up and sending out all translations. He recently updated the OEM program that stores all the mail out data. He has also updated the Heaven blog program www.godwriting.org so I can mail in an entry and get photos up there easily. I have yet to be trained on this, however.
God sure sends us blessings. You who read Heavenletters are one of the greatest blessings.
If you are a translator or volunteer for Heavenletters in any capacity, please send a candid photo so we can have a page of volunteers to go on a special page on the Heaven web site. Include your name, of course, what you do for Heavenletters, and where you live. This would include people who have sponsored workshops. Don’t be shy. Please send photos to Heaven’s webmaster, kirtmccurdy@comcast.net
Last issue I mistakenly left out big thanks to Margaret of Iowa who so conscientiously and lovingly proofs Heavenletters for the e-books. She proofs not just once but twice, and takes all the responsibility. Apologies, Margaret.
Last time I also inadvertently left out that Gert from The Netherlands had previously translated Dr. Laura De Giorgio’s flash presentation into Dutch. And thanks to Leen of Belgium who also so generously translated the flash presentation into Dutch for us.
I’m looking for the lovely lady who gave such great love to her mother. As we had talked about, your guest entry, entitled Love, is now posted on the Heaven blog. www.godwriting.org I neglected to include your name, and now I can’t seem to find you. Sorry.
There’s another lovely lady who gave me two or three email addresses of people who had introduced her to Heavenletters. I wanted to thank you and thank you the people who brought you here, and now I can’t find your email. Please email me again.
Because of HEAVEN #2239 Let Go of Ideas January 11, 2007, all mistakes are now oversights!
Incidentally, did you know that you can find many back Heavenletters on the Heaven forum?
Right now you’ll find Heaven Comics under Lounge. Soon Adrachin will make a section in the forum called Heaven Comics.
Thanks, Mauro, for making us smile. Be sure to send in your photo, okay?
Ich liebe dich(German)
Te iubesc(Romanian)
Thanks to two extraordinary publishers, Panos Axiomakaros and Monica Visan -- and their translators, Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Book One, is available in these three languages. Paula has already completed translating the book into Italian, Pablo has completed the Spanish translation, and Engin is almost finished with the Turkish translation. We are so grateful.
The book is available in English as well! www.heavenletters.org
“Think of life as a white steed that you ride through the hills.
Your horse giddyaps. You toss your lasso and catch the world.
You rope in the stars. You pull the moon and wear it like a watch fob.
The sun becomes a badge over your heart. You are the sheriff of the universe.
You ride the horse of life. Faster and faster you go. You leave the dust behind.”
HEAVEN #2230 In Praise of White Steeds January 2, 2007
With love, blessings, and gratitude from Gloria and the incredible Heaven Team