Welcome to Subscribers All over the World (and confession)
Heaven Comics
Congratulations to Heaven’s Publisher in Greece!
Extra Spam Protection
New Heavenletter Website on Its Way!
God Quote
Welcome to Subscribers All over the World
(and confession)
I lost the Heaven News that was all ready to send out. Alas, it’s all gone.
One moment it was here, and then it was gone. I don’t know how I did that.
Here are some of the countries I remember that new subscribers recently came
from. This is about half of the number there actually were. Sorry.
New Zealand
United Kingdom

the U.S., I remember we had quite a few new subscribers from
Nevada, and
Massachusetts and also at least one from
each of another 37 or so states.
There were some other wonderful things that were lost, web sites that were
including Heavenletters for the first time, for instance, and other items of
note. All gone. If you will let me know about you again, we’ll get you into the
next Heaven News.
And I vow to back up everything next time.
But there is no lack of news!
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Heaven Comics
To get me happy again after the loss of Heaven News, let’s begin with a Heaven
Comic by Yaco.

You can find more Heaven comics on the Heaven Community Forum, which is just
being moved to the web site. The new URL for the forum will be announced
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Congratulations to Heaven’s Publisher in
The Grant Priority of Greece has conferred on
Panos Axiomakaros
and his wife,
Katia, the Dignity of Knights of the Ordo
Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani.
Beloved Panos is a
well-known and well-respected publisher and panelist on National TV in Greece.

Panos and
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Extra Spam Protection
The good news is that Heaven will receive only 1% of the spam that has been
getting through. Hurray!
The bad news is that about 1% of legitimate emails will also be spammed, and
I will never see them. This is another good reason to recommend that you post on
the Heaven Forum and the Heaven blog Your posts will appear and will not ever be lost. And I
am happy for your beautiful emails to be available to all, and I will post
responses as well as often as I possibly can.
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New Heavenletter Website on Its Way!
An open letter from
Santhan, Heaven’s Volunteer Creative
Dear Heavenletter Friends,
For quite some time now we have been involved in getting the pieces
together into a communication tool/website. What we have,
may go through many changes as we progress, which is part of the fun. Yet,
even with whatever challenges that may pop up, I am as confident that the
solutions we have will work, as I am confident in God, myself and you.
We have been brought together to be a part of something awesome! Its
awesomeness is about to reach much much further.
About the archives...
It will be run on a searchable database. Heavenreaders will be able to
search for Heavenletters by keywords. Each Heavenletter will have its usual
title, number and published date. The system prevents duplicate titles. It
will allow the person submitting the Heavenletter into the database to see
if a similar title exists.
It also has a tagging system. Tagging allows us to associate tags
(keywords/themes/topics) to a Heavenletter. This is a flexible, dynamic
approach to associating Heavenletters with ideas. For example, let’s say I
would like to read a Heavenletter on Friendship. I would be able to see a
list of tags and select the tags, Friends or Friendship, which would then
display all Heavenletters tagged with these tags. The tags will dynamically
accumulate in the database and associate with the Heavenletters. There will
be no risk of repeating the tag as a tag like Friendship can appear only
once, but be associated with numerous Heavenletters. In the same way one
Heavenletter can be associated to numerous tags.
The tags can be based on actual words in the Heavenletter or on the theme
of the Heavenletter or even a possible idea that the Heavenletter conveys.
Volunteers would all be able to browse through the Heavenletters and add
more tags or edit the tags if we saw a reason for it. The tagging system is
a convenience for the reader as well as a tool that will be used in
increasing the reach of Heavenletters.
Heaven’s archivist, will be happy to know that the new web site will provide
you the Heavenletters in whatever format you wish to display them on the
archive website. The archive website will have all the Heavenletters
(questions to God also if you like) and an About Page. I can also provide
you with a standards compliant accessible template to present the site with.
The most important part here is that the work will not have to be repeated.
We will work together in one central location that branches out...into
different expressions if you like :) Khanyi will also gladly host the site,
as it will require a few advanced server features that your host may not
About quotes, haikus and poems...
All quotations, haikus and poems (qhp's) will be associated with the
original Heavenletter/s. This means that a person submitting qhp's, will
have to select the Heavenletter/s from which the qhp is created from. I
always wondered where those beautiful quotes on the Heavenletters home page
came from! Why is there no link to the Heavenletter from which it was taken?
Well, with the new site this function is taken care of. This way the qhp
will be an introduction to the Heavenletter it comes from. We have a feature
to select a set of qhps that will appear on the home page and on various
other parts of the site.
Translators can login and click on whatever content type (Heavenletters,
pages, qhps, news items) and translate them from a drop down list of
languages. Each language has its own home page eg.
for Spanish which automatically displays the Spanish language content. We
can launch the other language home pages with just a list of Heavenletters
that have been translate, but it feels much better to have translated the
About Page, the faqs and the short story of Heavenletters before we launch a
new language home page.
As the site grows, we will welcome many more wonderful volunteers to
assist in all areas.
There are too many other features of the site to mention in this already
lengthy email. I have to leave to Uruguay within the next few days so I see
the beta launch of the site happening only towards the end of next week. The
forum has been moved over to the new site which will allow us to change
things and test for bugs based on forum-users’ feedback.
We are all integral parts of this project and I am super duper grateful
and happy to be a part of this with you.
We are busy fixing up the design and testing on different web browsers
and monitor sizes etc. An administrators’ interface will be up shortly that
will allow us to collectively start submitting the Heavenletters to the
database. The great team I work with here in Argentina will also help, and I
am sure that there are more volunteers like Paula, Maria, Engin, Adrachin,
Veronika, Margarita, Kirt and Annette who will help with this. We will have
all of Heavenletters into the database in less than a week.

I am very much drawn towards making this pink rose a more regular (and
permanent) part of Heaven. (Godwriting too!). We have used it in various
design elements of the new web site. The rose represents the blossoming
Heart centre...which is very much the essence of Heavenletters and
Namaste, Santhan
May every website have the good fortune to have a magical angel team such as
Heaven has. I am in awe and so very grateful to God for all of you.
With blessings and love,
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God Quote:
“You are a flower that blossoms. And when you become seed again, you are
still the flower. Inside you are the flower. The flowerness of you does not
change. It is eternal. Eternity is all that there is, beloveds.
Consciousness, Oneness, Eternity, Infinity, God are names for the same
Reality of Reality. Welcome.”
HEAVEN #2305 Creation, Beloveds, Creation March 18, 2007
Suggested by Santhan
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