Please note that beloved C. M. Yogi would post himself but he is not able to bring up our site on his computer. Here is his latest email:
Dear Friends at Heavenletters,
Namaste and a very warm greeting to you all from Nepal !
As you all know that I just returned to Nepal after a 6 weeks long tour to USA . Particularly, I had a great opportunity to visit some states such as Texas , Arizona , California and Washington . I visited many cities and towns within a short time. It was hasty tour coupled with a right purpose and deep joy.
Basically I was invited to run a Summer Spiritual/Cultural Camp organized by NST, NCSC, NLC (all Texas based) for Nepalese children living in DFW area. It was the first camp of this kind which was organized for Nepali children outside Nepal . More than 50 children participated in the camp. It was a greatest experience for me, for children and for the parents who are quite worried about their children regarding how to save values, culture and language so as to shape their children's life in this highly modern materialistic world. if you get time, please visit the website to know more about the camp. I'm really extremely glad that even our Nepali communities outside Nepal seem to be committed to work very sincerely to preserve their culture and values and to raise their children holistically so that they could become ideal and good global citizens in future. This is a very pressing issue and is no doubt the greatest task for all of us to get well established by retaining our own culture and true Nepali-ness !
What I felt is that the light of spirituality is spreading out day by day; the spiritual emptiness is a threat to the modern world. Therefore, the people with pure vision and very selfless attitude should come forward to walk together; no matter what our background but the goal is the same i.e. serving humanity by being a good human ourselves. So in this trip I met many good people who are having Good Sadhana and have dedicated their life to maintain the beauty of the world. These selfless people are assets of the world, and they should be honored and appreciated by everyone. They are like angels who walk very selflessly for the healing of our only planet Mother Earth. So let's try to be with them and bring a change in our life to see a change in our society.
Actually I did nothing but the tour was so fulfilling and overwhelming. It was all guided by God Himself. Suppose a baby was travelling with his mother, I also was under His unconditional love and perfect care. Therefore, Murlai ji came forward out of the blue to sponsor my air ticket all the way from Kathmandu to Texas . Likewise Phil ji and Cora ji paid all the money for all the domestic flights to the different cities within the US and similarly many others very generously rendered their all support and service before I could ask them for anything. What a beautiful gift! Thanks God for such a divine gift.
The children need care with love, guidance with vision and teaching with values, so we should all walk together to shape their life if we all really want to see a nice world where there will be no violence but only peace; no hatred but only healing; and no competition but only cooperation. This is how we can one day create a world perfectly fit to the children.
Friends, Nepal is undergoing a very uncertain political situation. A very fragile and precarious situation. I pray that Nepal remain calm, peaceful by maintaining purity, divinity and serenity whatever the adverse circumstance is. It's just momentary, and therefore Nepal will soon be endowed with enduring peace. And, please do visit Nepal if you ever get time. We will be more than happy to have you with us and feel so privileged to host you as long as you wish to stay with us.
Well my friends, my heart sighs when I remember you all and my thoughts become purer when I think of the good works you have been doing at your places so amazingly and selflessly. Let's pray for the well being of each other. Let's appreciate the work of each other. Life is too short, so let's share, sing and serve. May God bless all.
Love, Peace and service
CM Yogi
Dr. C.M. Yogi
Founding Principal - Hindu Vidyapeeth-Nepal (HVP)
Founding Chairperson - Shanti Sewa Ashram (SSA)
Patron - Youth Society for Peace ( YSP)
Founder - Society for Value Education (SVE)
Chairperson- National Inter-faith Coordination Movement (NICM)
Po.Box: 6807, Kathmandu, Nepal
Ph. 00977- 1- 5006224 /5006125