The opposite of flow is conflict. Something is blocked. You are of two minds or directions. There is confusion.
Now, sometimes confusion is good. Going on just as you have been may not be flow. It may just be momentum, energy of the past, and you are following old footsteps marked down for you that have been easy and mindless to follow. Sometimes your direction wants to change, and you are lazy or fearful and feel your unrecognized conflict as a headache.
Conflict basically is: stay the same or change. And you resist change. Or you resist staying the same, and don't quite know your first new step.
You want to follow My Will, and you don't quite know what it is.
Each of you has to hear Me yourself.
Even if someone else is right, you have to hear Me yourself. For that, you listen.
And there is something else to remember. Often it does not matter what you do. Your willingness matters.
What you do is not so important as you think.
Where you come from is important. What your thinking is based on is important. Base it on your heart's allegiance to Me.
When you really must make a choice of going left or right, and you are not sure, make it anyway. Choose one. Neither will be wrong. And one direction or another will settle in for you, and you will find yourself going strongly. Maybe there are more choices than you initially saw. Or you go in one direction now so that your true direction may be revealed to you later.
Nothing has to be done today. You don't have to be in such a hurry.
A sense of urgency is nothing but fear.
And one of your big fears is to make a mistake.
What is a mistake? And how can you tell? Even after the fact, how can you tell? How do you not know that the choices you call mistakes did not lead you right to Me? How do you know that certain steps you took were wrong? How do you know they were not right?
End your internal conflicts.
There is no struggle going on.
Let go of your past thinking. Let go of your thinking about the past.
Today you are offered apples and bananas. Which do you choose? Maybe you can have both. And behind the apples and bananas lie mangoes and pears and behind them grapes and cherries.
What is your choice? Following your will or Mine? And your beleaguered mind says, How do I know, dear Father, which is Which?
You have always followed something, My children. You have followed someone else. Or you have followed past thoughts.
Now you follow Me. Following Me does not mean that you necessarily know whether your direction is from My love or from your whim, but it does mean that you keep on. You do what you can do, and you include Me. You say: "Dear Heavenly Father, please lead me today. I am not sure in what direction to go. My heart is heavy. I do not want to fail you. I want to do Your will, but I am stymied."
And I say to you: "You will always come back to My will. The clearing in the forest will be there. And whichever step you take, I am right here with you. Even in so-called mistakes, I am here with you. I do not abandon you, nor do I chastise you."
I say to you: "Oh, come this way now." That is all that happens. Do you understand? My love follows you just the same when you do not follow it. You will come to it. You will. Relax your shoulders, and your headache will leave, and you will see Me before you where I always am. You cannot lose Me. You cannot lose your way to Me.