Yes, you are in My Presence, for there is nothing else but right now. Memory and foretelling are but little next to right now. They are thoughts without substance. They are thoughts that have wandered off.
The illusive present is more like the place with no thought. It is called living, being alive, spontaneous, right here, attuned, unaware awareness as it were, no flashback, no thinking ahead nor thinking back. It is sort of suspended animation. It is more like being in the gap, like the rich space between two thoughts, two words, two sentences, two worlds. The expression “in the moment’ does not quite say it, for there is no moment. There is the stream of life you are in, the state of life you are immortalized in, beloveds. You are not on the cusp but in, not out. Living in memory is not living. It is remembering. Looking ahead can set a destination. Looking ahead may create dreams that come true, and yet in the moment of your dream, you are present in your dream. You have perhaps transcended ordinary life, or perhaps you are only making a grocery list.
Do not think I am knocking ordinary life, beloveds. Much of your life is spent in it. I am saying to be present.
Consider this: From your ordinary awareness, you can physically be in only one place at a time. You can’t be in New York and San Francisco simultaneously. You are in one or the other. You can be in transit, of course, yet when you are thinking of where you’re going and where you’ve been, your awareness is spread thin. In transit, you are between two points, yet when you are thinking about the before and after, you are not quite in transit. When you are thinking, “I am here,” you are not here. You are somewhere else. It is more like you are buried in thought. Where are you at all?
When it comes to non-existent time, you can’t be in two times either. You can’t be ahead of yourself and right here, nor can you be behind yourself and here. If you are in the future or in the past, you are not here. You might as well be on a sabbatical.
It is like you are fishing. If you cast your line behind you, it is not in the water. It is on the shore behind you. If you cast your line ahead, it may land on the shore before you and not be in the water. If you want to catch a fish, your line has to be cast into the water.
Thought of water is thought of water. It is not water. Consider life the water. When you are in the water, you are wet. When you are out of the water, you are on land not sea. Thinking about life is not living it. It is thinking about it.
To live life you immerse in it and so it is more like a state of no thought. You are swimming, but you are not thinking, “I am swimming.” You simply swim. Out of the moment is the place where fear and frenzy and worry and anguish push their way in. In the so-called moment, you are out of worry and all that. They simply do not exist. They cannot exist.
When you are not swimming in the water, you are thinking about getting in. Or when you are swimming in the water, you may be thinking about getting out.
To be present in the water is to be swimming with Me. It is to be the water itself, the sun sparkling on it. You are moving through the water yet it is as if you were still, for you are, in that moment, solidly with Me.