It is time for the aches and pains in your heart to leave. Bid them adieu. What do you possibly need perpetual aches in your heart for? For what possible reason would you keep an ache close to your heart, as if for safe-keeping?
No longer perpetuate pain. Let pain go down the drain. Excuse it from attendance. Give it a furlough, or dismiss it altogether. You are not to keep it.
I tell you loud and clear that you are not on Earth to suffer. You require no punishment. It is required that you let go of any hurt and punishment that you have held to you.
This agony in your heart is so vague, you don’t even know what it is from, yet you carry it with you, and you return to it again and again. You keep it close by for no good reason at all.
Even after a moment of abounding joy, you go back to the inexpressible anxiety. Perhaps you cover up the anxiety with rapid activity so you do not have to feel it. You pour activity on top of your anxiety to close it off as if you were placing boulders on top to subdue it. Anxiety clutches your heart so, and yet you put up with it. All the boulders in the world do not close the anxiety and agony off. They continue to hang onto you as if they were desperate and couldn’t be without you. It’s true, they can’t exist without you as a fall guy. Where would this pain exist if you did not keep company with it?
The anxiety flutters in your heart like a dragon. It consumes you. Addictions do not chase it away. Are you addicted to self-inflicted wounding?
Anxiety seems to own that place in your heart and won’t give you peace from it or from its sister, agony. What would peace be like if these hangers-on let you alone?
You have been hoarding distress and restricting the beat of your heart. I gave you your heart to beat freely. I did not harness anxiety. Who did then? Who harnessed anxiety and agony and told them to take up house-keeping in your heart and, so, to forcibly get in the way of your joy? Let love into your heart, not restriction.
Anxiety is a boa-constrictor. Your heart is meant for hugs not constriction. You have tried running away from this snake that squeezes your heart to defeat. You have a very strong heart that withstands the crushing anxiety. The constrictor wants to squeeze the breath out of you.
You may have worn this anxiety like a girdle or a frown on your face.
Why can’t you seem to let it go?
Here’s what to do:
Smile it away. Don’t give it so much attention. Don’t run from it. Don’t hide from it. Simply don’t give it the time of day. Enjoy life despite anxiety’s bearing its attention on you. Ignore this leech. It has taken enough of your life. Give it no more. Replace anxiety with awareness.
Pour more love into your heart. Then this egregious fool will rise on the waves of love and float away. Perhaps anxiety will dry up in the sun. One thing you can be sure of:
You don’t need any attachments that want to suck the joy out of you. Such repeated plagues have no business latching onto you. All this is not anxiety’s right. It is anxiety’s wrong. Anxiety is an interloper, a thief in the night that would undo your joy, prevent it, discard it.
Toss out that anxiety. What a freeloader. Anxiety reclines there in your heart. He puts his feet up and smokes a cigar and drops the ashes on your beautiful heart. Once this rabble-rouser, anxiety or agony by name, gets his foot in the door, he refuses to let go. He won’t abandon you, so you must abandon him. Give this vulture his walking orders. He is no good to you. Dismiss him. Rise above him. You can do it. This is for you to do. I will help you. Right now, start right becoming light of heart and free again.