When a deed is done, do you stew about it, or do you move on? You well know that the thing to do is to move on, yet this is easier said than done.
A wrong was done to you thirty years ago, let’s say, and you may well not have let go of it yet. You may have handcuffed yourself to this old offense, and you keep it warm. It is a slow burn.
Whether it is something wonderful that happened to you once upon a time, and now it is no more, or, if it is a cruel blow that happened, you can’t keep reheating it. If you have a wound, you don’t keep picking at it. You may be absolutely right that what happened to you never should have happened to you. The thing is it did happen, and now you must let it go and move right along. The past is nothing to keep vibrating within you. Let it go.
The way you step out of the ocean on a wonderful summer day, this is the way to step out of the past. You step out just like that. You dry yourself off, and then you go home or perhaps out to eat. Certainly, you don’t keep repeating stepping out of the ocean as though it were a chant or a football replay.
If there is a part of your life that isn’t happy for you to think about, why keep mulling it over? And if there were a very beautiful part of your life and it is no more, why hold onto what is no longer? Why relive it to make yourself sad? Why do you want to be sad?
And everyone who has now passed his or her youth, why long for the days when you were a beauty and sought after? You had those days. Kiss them goodbye. You have your true inner age. Outer age doesn’t last. Sooner or later, the lit match blows out. Life in the world comes in increments. The latest car is the latest car only for a short time. Every oak was once a seedling. The most beautiful drapes fade in the sun’s rays.
It isn’t a secret that everything in the world changes and nothing stays the same. Life in the world is a moving picture; it is not a still photo.
Enjoy the sun and enjoy the moon and the sparkling stars. Enjoy being a kid, and enjoy growing up as well. Simply enjoy. Reap the joys. Reap getting up in the morning, and reap hopping into bed at night.
In life, you are on an adventure. Enjoy the adventure. Enjoy the Sahara and enjoy the rain forest. Take an interest in all of life, rain and shine.
You cannot hold back the dawn. You cannot stem the tide. Embrace the dawn and the tide instead. You are in service to the Universe. Whatever life gives you, take it. If you love it, why not? And if you don’t love it, love it anyway. This is your adventure.
No two people live the same life. For everyone, life is a mix. You may not understand the ins and outs of your life that have been, and no one, no one knows what tomorrow brings.
If life doesn’t play the song you want, dance to the song that is. The thing is to dance. You don’t call all the tunes. An unknown minstrel may sing. This you can know:
At any moment someone is having what you would call a charmed life while your life may have charms beneath the surface today. Tomorrow your life can be a glory day and your fondest dreams come true. Would you be opposed to this?