For those of you who translate Heavenletters, you have a good idea of how a Portuguese translator and a French translator, for instance, are part of a whole. Even if two of the members of the Translation team may never have direct contact with each other, nevertheless, they are working together.
When two or more people are simpatico, their brainwaves are united. They can only work as a team. Even if you are not aware of yourself as working as a team, you are absolutely working as a member of a team.
Even those of My children who believe they must work independently, they do not work alone.
If someone has been left on a deserted island and not seen another human being in many a year, he also is not really solo.
Not only is there no one separated from Me, there is also no one on Earth who does not work as part of a team with other human beings whether he is consciously aware of it or not.
This is the meaning of “No man is an island.”
Granted, there are people who must see themselves as independent. Well, dear ones, you can be as independent as you like, yet you can never ever be independent from connecting with people, for you are joined with one another.
Let Us say there is a team of two horses or twelve horses who are pulling a carriage or more. Each horse is pulling with all his might. For all intents and purposes, each horse is pulling alone. Each is carrying his load.
We can take this a step further. Even if one horse is pulling one carriage, he is joined by all horses who are pulling. Look, this life is a brotherhood.
The Three Musketeers are made of numbers greater than three.
When you go to live theater, and you see a play that you love and that all the audience loves, and, at the curtain call, the actors bow and the audience stands up and cheers, you are also part of a team. You feel it. The workers who created the lighting, and if it is musical theater, the choreographer of the dance and the composers of the music and the costume designers and the make-up artists and even if the playwright and the original members of cast are no long living, they are also members of the cast and unite even when this is not seen or thought of.
There is always more going on in the world that you are aware of.
Everything has a vibration, and you have a vibration, and vibrations meet. Where there is love, there is a twang of One Love.
When it comes to the Oneness I speak of, and even when you may wish to be separate from Me, you can declare yourself separate, yet you can’t be separate regardless of how you feel because I am not separate from you.
In Truth, no one is separate from another.
Some families are more like in the theater, and some families are at loggerheads with each other. And, yet, even among fighting families, there is a bond.
Even those who are not aware of the play and how it is loved also share in it. They don’t know its name. Nevertheless, some of the rays of joy fall on them.
Even with warriors on opposing sides, there is a bond of Oneness. They enter into the fray together, do they not?