You are the Wonder of the World. Now I have said it. Look how far you have come! Aren’t you eons ahead from where you used to be?
You perhaps used to be selfish, and now you aren’t so much. Once upon a time, you knew so little, and now you know more, much more. You have doubled, tripled, quadrupled, and so forth, your growth. You are miles ahead. Confess, isn’t this true? You are a changed person. I will go so far as to say that you are a new person. Once you didn’t know anything that you know now, and now you know a lot. Once you knew nothing, and now you know something.
Do you have a ways to go? Most certainly, and you are getting here. Right and left, hand over fist, you are getting here, beloveds. You are way ahead of where you used to be. You are just beginning to catch up to yourself, up to realizing yourself for who you really are and are meant to be. You never were the dolt you saw yourself to be, nor were you ever meant to lag behind or drag your feet. You do realize, don’t you, that you are meant to be – yes, I will say it -- wondrous.
You are just fine now in My book. There is a lot to like about you. I like it all. So like it. Like yourself. I am very glad to make your acquaintance. I more than like you. I love you. However, I will be happy if you begin by liking yourself instead of berating yourself for all your misdemeanors.
There is something going on in the world. It’s hard to put your finger on, isn’t it? When there’s something you can’t quite put your finger on, you can really know that a lot is happening. Like you, the world also goes through stuff. We can say that you are not the only one who goes through growing pains. The world echoes you.
As much as you have grown, you haven’t seen anything yet. You are just at the cusp of a great leap forward. Let’s call it a transition. You are saying a fond farewell to the past and a great big hello to the new you and the New World that accompanies you. Something is a-happening. You are happening, and the world is happening right along with you. I watch the whole thing happening, and I cheer you on. Are you going faster than you think you can? If you think this is something, watch what is going to come next!
There’s no more lollygagging now. You are in the speed lane. You are zooming right along.
You will slow down, not in progress, but in perceived speed. You are gearing to take an easy-going walk, the way it was when artists painted people strolling on avenues in the summer with parasols.
Do you know what you are doing now? You are courting. You are courting life. You are making your acquaintance with it. You are getting ready to fly forth, glide rather. You are going to start gliding through life, hardly touching, so light will you feel, so the opposite of bedraggled and heavy. Now you are becoming as light as air. Time and space are no longer going to have all that dominion over you. You may not even alight, you will be so delighted to fly through life, leaving worries and heavy stuff behind. That means leaving the past behind and all that you have fraught yourself up with in what you thought of as future.
You have been somewhat like a record-player with a needle stuck, the record repeating itself over and over again. Now you are unstuck. How free you feel. Unattached, you fly free. Unattached, you are unbound. Now you are flying high. What a great view you see from where I AM.