It is a great relief to begin to see that you are responsible for your life. No longer can you point your finger to a cause outside you. It is a beautiful day when you begin to see that your mind is a beautiful tool. The same mind that can create havoc for you can also create peace for you. There you are.
At every moment you are at a crossroads. You have a choice of what you will create. War or peace. Joy or displeasure. Anger or love. Complaint or blessing.
This is not a one-time action, you understand. It has to do with your disgruntlement or your good nature. It is not enough to decide today that you will have only joy in your life. A trend of your thinking has to change. Perhaps you have been complaining. Complain, and that is your mode. You are used to having something to complain about. Complaining must give some comfort, or why would anyone keep doing it?
Why remind yourself of all that you have to complain about? With every complaint, you encourage more reason for complaint to fall. It is a kind of reverse wish-fulfillment. It’s like, instead of desiring to be the fairest of all, you desire to be the greatest victim of all. “Woe, look at my troubles,” you might boast to the world. “I have great reason to suffer.” And so you call suffering to you.
It’s like automatically going to the barn as cows do, only your barn is called Complaint.
The time has come for you to be responsible for yourself, for not only are you affected by your plaints, but your home, your town, your province are affected and so the world.
A complainer reaps complaint. Complaint is contagious. A change in outlook is also contagious.
You may have felt that life has been picking on you while you have been picking on life.
If you truly want to make the world better and your life better, change your focus.
If you do not feel loved enough, perhaps you are not loving enough. This is the meaning of as ye sow, so shall ye reap. Sowing is not so much about your actions from the past. It’s about your thoughts and words right now. Now you sow. Sow the seeds you want. Remove complaints from your lips and from your heart. Cease collecting them.
You had a blessing today. Undoubtedly more than one. What are the blessings that came to you today? Was the sky blue? Did the yellow sun above shine on you? Did you eat? Were you able to walk? Did you hear the laughter of children today?
Be on the lookout for blessings, and you will multiply them.
Cease and desist from proving how put upon you are. Lift that burden from your shoulders by cutting out complaining and start welcoming the good that comes to you.
The way to get blessings to grow is to give them attention. You may well have neglected blessings in favor of the fervor of complaint.
Did you hear a bird sing this morning?
Simply never mind the complaints. Don’t plant complaints in your garden. Plant what you want. Plant good nature. Plant appreciation. Make friends with your life. Welcome all the blessings that flow. Start the process. You are accountable to your life. You induce it. You reduce it or you spruce it.
If your house is messy, straighten it out. Clean up the mess. Don’t sit there complaining.
It is for you to emphasize the glory.