All, all of My children are valiant. I will even call you valiant soldiers. From your vantage, you are all on the front lines. You don’t know what will assail you next.
You think that anger and attack may protect you. That is folly, isn’t it? Anger and attack are no more than bluster. The only art of self-defense that you have is love. Love will blow everything hurtful away. Love is your protector. Love alone saves the day.
You don’t need defense or offense. What you need to do is to open the portholes of your heart. Open those gates. Throw the locks away. Your own good will is the only armor you need. Of course, good will is not armor. Good will opens your heart. With good will, you throw away whatever has restricted you from love. Whatever restricts you from love brings you closer to skirmishes or even war.
I tell you once again, frankly, that when you do stop seeing any supposed other as opposed to you, you break down the Walls of Jericho. When you are in bright sunshine, what possible occasion is there for animosity? Certainly not any of the little things that you may presently project on a big screen. No, no, no, beloveds, listen to Me carefully. From now on, you are to project love for yourself, and how you do that, is to put love before vanity, love before insult, love before hurt feelings, love before animosity, love before everything. I say, “Everything!”
Anything less than love is fool’s gold, you understand this, don’t you? Nothing is to go before love. Love is the leader, and nothing else is. Love doesn’t lead you down the garden path. Garden paths lead you in circles. Garden path means a fool’s Paradise. At the time, you may think it’s smart to undercut what you see as an assailant, yet how you deny yourself.
Why punish yourself because of what you see askance in someone else? That is foolish, isn’t it?
The only course to take is to unlock your heart. Open, open, open a path to the garden of yourself. A garden of yourself is quite different from garden path and being led astray. You know, beloveds, you do know, that the garden path refers to a false idea, or is it ideal? Perhaps both.
Please know that you are on solid footing with Me. I lead you to greener pastures, and that is to greater love. You already contain greater love. You are an endless container of love. Container is not the right word, for love is not to be contained. Love is to reverberate across the entire Universe and to regions you have not even dreamed of. The only vehicle that will take you there to this oasis of oases is love.
If even a tad of love is restricted, it is way too much, yet you have restricted wave after wave of love. You have clamped your love. You have put a vise on it. You have closed the windows to love for fear of one thing or another. Fear is a good blocker, as if any blockage to love could be good.
The new world you are entering is the kingdom within, and you are unhinging it now. You are unlocking your love and tossing away any keys that lock. Now the key to your life is love. Love is going to manage your life from now on. Love alone. Caution thrown to the winds, love on high.