Opening God Quotation:
God said:
The thunderstorm is over, and now there is that specialness of air after the rain. Get ready for new everything. New you. New you in that you stand taller. You ring the bells of freedom. You are in accord. You are My beautiful stewards of the Earth. The past is erased. The past is fleeing itself, and newness arises. Your heart is new. Your life is new. This is the new world, and you are its cornerstones. The wondrousness of the Universe has arisen. You are sensing the wondrousness.
Submitted by Lady Isis
25 Countries new Heavensubsribers came from since last Heaven News
Argentina - Australia - Austria - Botswana - Canada - China - Columbia - Croatia - France - Germany - Ghana - Greece - India - Italy - Kenya - Mexico - Netherlands - Poland - Romania - Saint Vincent - South Africa - Spain - Turkey - Uganda - United Kingdom
26 United States that new Heavensubscribers came from since last Heaven News
Alabama - Arizona - California - Connecticut - Florida - Georgia - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Montana - New Jersey - New York - North Carolina - Ohio - Pennsylvania - South Carolina -Tennessee - Texas - Virginia - Washington
Note: When a new Heavenreader comes from one country or one state, more new Heavenreaders from that same country or state come right along after which must mean that the first new subscriber shared Heavenletters™. Thank you very much!
Angels who spread the light of Heavenletters™
Lady Isis - The Light Circle Ezine

Lady Isis wrote:
Dear Gloria, don't know if I ever told you or not, but I not only pass on Heavenletters in my publications to over 3000 people every day, but also on to two other yahoo groups which also number over 1000. . . and of course they all pass them on and on, so the word is getting all over the net on the information highway in 'cyber land.'
Love you lots!
Lady Isis
Lady Isis, it makes us so happy that you share Heavenletters™ with all your heart. Much appreciated. And I thank you for all your love and wisdom and your deep confidence and knowledge and great support.
It's great to see Marlene Swetlishoff, long-time Heavenreader who created many YouTube videos of Heavenletters, nicely represented in your Ezine. The Light CircleEzine indeed forms a circle of light!
Myrna Ferguson - New Age University

Myrna wrote:
Hello, Angels!
HeavenLetters™ have changed my life. They have helped me to understand more about God and His love. I think I should reword that and say What LOVE is. I have learned a deeper meaning of love coming from deep within.
Reading February's New Heaven News, seeing the posts, I thought it was time I let you know what I am doing with the daily posts of Heavenletters, other than enjoying them and receiving a vast amount of help from them!
Since mid July 2011 I have been doing a daily post with the Heaven letters.
The CEO/Owen of Adlandpro, Bogdan Fiedur, introduced
Here is the link to Heaven Letters:
Beloved Myrna, thank you so much. How glad we are to know about you and and all the good you and are doing.
Jo Petzer - Transcendence

Jo Petzer, the editor of Transcendence, is a long-time friend to Heavenletters™. Before Transcendence became an e-zine, Jo printed out copies of Heavenletters™ by hand and shared them free on newstands in remote areas of South Africa! Like Lady Isis and all those who share Heavenletters, Jo is devoted to God and furthering His Presence in the world.
Jo, thank you for including Heavenletters™ so beautifully. You always put us at the top of your list! How grateful we are. We also love to see the articles of our good friend Bernie Siegel, M.D., published in Transcendence as well as the work of other renowned notables.
Jo, Heaven Admin and I both regret that we haven't visited you as yet. I cross my fingers that we will soon. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet together in person in South Africa. This is a dream I never knew could come true, and now we're so close.
Jo, you can find updates on my status here and also about a most enjoyable trip to Mozambique!
The Indian Ocean is different here!
How long will I be able to stay in South Africa?
From where do decisions come?
The benefits of working with Heaven Admin!
Actually, I'll include some of this blog about the benefits of working with Heaven Admin in this Heaven News right now. It belongs here:
Working with Heaven Admin

Here is what we have accomplished so far. I say we, but this is Heaven Admin's work -- teaching me!
Recording Heavenletters™. Soon Heavenletters will be available in sound on the web site. Why is this important? With sound, the vibration of God's love can be felt even more strongly AND
Transferring this blog to MoFlow. This is an outstanding advance. I am using MoFlow for Heaven News now as well and will be using MoFlow for books and ebooks. The advantages to using MoFlow are considerable.
One essential and incredible advantage to MoFlow is that it is a significant time and labor-saving program. As I type along on MoFlow, MoFlow automatically formats properly for whatever kind of publication we have in mind -- ebooks, PDF, Kindle etc. Basically, one step.
Whatever transferring of the files Heaven Admin needs to do later on to turn what I've typed into a Kindle book, for instance, becomes a quick simple action, one click of a key, I believe.
To give you an example of the time-saving advantage of MoFlow, with the old Heaven News, it took Heaven Admin two hours or more to get Heaven News into publishable shape after I had put it together in Microsoft Word. Now, because I type originally into MoFlow, it takes Heaven Admin ten minutes. Ten minutes vs. two hours -- what kind of percentage is that?! Who can do the math?
Andreas can do the math! He wrote:
It is a 91.67 percent decrease in the amount of time Heaven Admin saves for Heaven News. The efficiency rate quadruples!
Heaven and I also want to work on a Godwriting™ workshop on the web. Note: In addition to Heaven Admin's technical skills, business skills, overall vision and clarity, his unique understanding of how my mind works makes him a great advisor/collaborator.
One book is the How to Godwrite book. That's just the working title.
A second book is The Little Things, the story of my life as it relates to Heavenletters™ and Godwriting™.
A big priority is manifesting the upgrade on This will entail Heaven Admin and I going over everything and making decisions. We invite your ideas.
The Heaven website is huge. Then the actual mechanics of the upgrade will take a solid month of technical work. The platform is Drupal. Anyone skilled with Drupal want to help?
Our first focus is the Profile page. We want everyone's photo, and there's a lot more we'd love to know about you! Get your photo in now, if you please.
Also we have the musical, Heart of a Gopi, that we would like to focus on as well. The musical is not directly a Heaven project BUT, when Heart of a Gopi takes hold, how many more people will hear of Heavenletters™, do you think? And then a movie! And then an animated feature! Heart of a Gopi all over the world in all languages! Heart of a Gopi has to have been a God-given project.
Miracles, miracles, and more miracles!
Updating Your Profile Page on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum
We're sorry we don't have the new profile page set up yet.
Here are the new topics we will be asking you to tell us about on your profile page:
Your personal story -- where you were born, where you live now, your family, your occupation, your dreams. What do you most like to do in this world?
How did you find Heavenletters™?
What has God in Heavenletters™ said that stands out for you? What are some of your favorite Heavenletters™ and/or favorite selected quotations?
When did you first realize that you are a spiritual being? Tell us about your personal Spiritual Journey.
Dear Heavenreaders,
There are thousands of us from all parts of the globe who interact with Heavenletters in so many ways. There must be so many interesting and inspiring stories waiting to be told from all over the world. Share something inspiring stories with us. We all have a feel for the content shared in Heaven News, and we're all uplifted by the vibration of Heavenletters. Please send in stories for Heaven News, to gloria [at] heavenletters [dot] org.
Looking forward.
With love and blessings,
Gloria, Heaven admin and all the Spectacular Heaven Team
God's Physics 101!
God can hand out a Heavenletter on topics I have no knowledge of such as physics. When God does, He uses simple non-scientific words, but what He is saying is not usually simple for me. Of course, the fact is that nowhere is it required for me to understand what God is saying. I'm just a Dictaphone machine. :)
Sometimes I don't even know that a Heavenletter is dealing in the realm of physics!
Here is a line from Heavenletter #4119, You Are Spinning.
God said:
You are entering the Realm of No Time and No Place which means, in fact, that the pull of gravity is less.
I sort of understood. Sort of.
And then a Heavereader and translator of Heavenletters into French, Normand Bourque, posted a comment which he called God's Physics 101! He wrote:
This is indeed a good concise lesson in gravity and electromagnetism where you don't have to be a scholar.
Gravity is a force of resistance to movement. It is movement inverting itself. It is gravity that gives shapes, forms to light. So it must determine space and time and the physical forms.
When we stop resisting, when we let go of the past, when we let go of the physical forms, we free ourself from gravity, from the attachment to forms. We definitely become lighter, and spinning becomes natural and easy.
Normand, thank you so much!
Closing God Quotation
God said:
The world is not a mistake. And you are not a mistake.
Heavenletter #4089 Innocence in the World Submitted by Jo Petzer, Transcendence
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