I hear the clarion call of your love. I hear it loud and clear. I hear the disbanding of all that chokes your heart. I hear the ice floe breaking up and the love rushing through. Your love is becoming like a steady stream, a bubbling brook, a flowing precursor to more and greater love. Drips and drabs of love become gigantic waves. There is a burgeoning flood of love bursting through to cover the Earth. Everyone is going to be drowned in love. What a Tsunami wave of love this is. And this is your natural state. This is normal, love everywhere. No longer love pending. No longer love dangling. Now love is pouring, splashing, inundating the dryness in every throat.
The snow melts and waters the Earth. The snow in your heart melts the same.
No more dry hearts, beloveds. No more aching for love. No more veiling it. No more forgetting it.
You are a child of God who gives love. Your eyes open with love in the morning. At night your eyes close with love as you sleep, and yet your love is open wide and going out, far and wide.
How far can your love go? It can go as far as Zanzibar. What is the farthest point from you? Your love is already there. Every nook and cranny is now being filled with love that you have given. There is no faraway when it comes to love. There is no time when it comes to love. All the love that has ever been given travels still. All the love in the world is radiating now, spinning and weaving more webs of love.
Our love does not stay still. It always travels, bouncing from rafter to rafter, from heart to heart. The heart, like a tom-tom, broadcasts love. Your heart throws love to the Highest Heaven. You blast love across the Universe, to unknown galaxies, to the inner Earth, to everywhere you have ever read about or thought of. Love travels fast. Love accompanies you, and, at the same time, it travels. Is not love an amazing thing?
You have loved everything that catches your fancy, yet love itself fancies everything. Most of all, it fancies loving everyone, everything, everywhere. Ambitious is love, and yet it is easier to just love everything rather than picking and choosing. Picking and choosing take energy. Just exhaling love with every breath takes no energy at all. Beloveds, giving love is so natural you will wonder why you haven't always been doing it.
You will wonder what all the fuss is about. You will wonder what does love have to do with heartache? How did heartache ever arise? Who would ever convert love into heartache? Your heart is not meant to be convertible. The love in your heart is incontrovertible. The love in your heart is My love splashing everywhere, just like the way children splash water in a fountain with the sun shining on it.
Yes, please, let your love out into the sunshine. Blow bubbles with it. This is great fun, to give out love. There is nothing to it.
The world has given you many qualifications required before you can love. The world has broken love into parts that must be assembled, and no part can be missing or you dare not allow yourself to love. Embrace yourself in love right now. Hug yourself. Imagine your arms going around yourself and your plastering yourself with endless kisses. Now hold the world in the breadth of your arms, and love the world the same. Love all over the place. The sun of love is within you, and now you shine it on all. Not one blade of grass is left out of your love. Not one sentient being on Earth, not anyone is left out, for love surrounds the animate and inanimate, and love is sprinkled on Earth, is misted on Earth, erupts like a volcano, waves of love loving for now and forever. We have a tryst of love.