Once upon a time your life did depend upon the amount of love given to you. In terms of your human existence, you had to rely on the love that came to you from the outside.
Now you are no longer a hapless baby dependent upon the world to succor you.
Now you are an adult, and your very existence depends upon the love you give. Can this point be made more clearly than this?
The pivot of your life is the love you give. We could say the pivot of your life is the love you feel. It is good to feel love and to feel loved. When you feel love inside you and you feel worth love, then you are one who gives love as easily as a kiss.
You will be on semi-automatic. You remind yourself every once in a while that your ultimate purpose here on Earth is to give love and therefore give light to the world, and yet you are already geared in that direction. Your main purpose is not fame or fortune. It's A-OK to have fame and fortune, yet your life and love are by no means dependent upon them, nor are fame and fortune the wins of your life.
The love you give, the love you extend, the love you carry, the love you decide, the love you create, the love you manifest, the love you incur, the love you swim in, the love you shape, the love you sculpt, the love you conjure, the love you are happy to give, the love you think of, the love you make easy to receive, the love you design, dedicate, and determine, all the evidences of the love you are, these are your purpose for being alive on Earth.
And now you become awake to your purpose here on Earth, and now you fulfill your purpose. Accumulating is not your purpose. Accumulating adulation is not your purpose. Awakening yourself to the love within and using it to serve Me and the world is your purpose. As you are to My children, so are you to Me.
It doesn't matter what the world thinks of you, makes of you, attributes to you, blames you for, credits or discredits you for, you have a purpose to be the love you want others to be and to give the love that all are meant to give. I do not mean to suggest, however, that you wear a smile on your face signifying nothing.
Christ did not say to the lame: "It's just fine for you to be lame. I love you anyway." He did love anyway, and yet he did not uphold lameness.
Accordingly, as the story goes, he did not say to Mary Magdalene, "Keep on as you are. I love you so. It's all right. Don't change." He did love so, yet, like Me, he said to all, "Come with me." He knew there was a direction for all to go in, and it was the direction of love not money.
Christ and all the Great Ones were great teachers of love. They taught by example, and they were nobody's fool. They had a common sense that was uncommon. They did not go around saying, "Boy, how I do love." They loved. Christ did not harbor resentment toward his persecutors, but he did not say, "It's just fine for you to persecute. Go right ahead. Persecute all you want. It doesn't matter what you do."
Christ saw clearly, spoke clearly, and yet he did not topple himself from the mountain of love that he simply was and could not be otherwise. He could not be less than My Son.
Nor can you. Do not be so easy on yourself that you once again lean back and say, "Let the world love me first, and then I will love, too."