Beloveds, you are doing all right. Despite what you may think, what you may feel, may see, may hear, you are doing well. You are doing exceptionally well. Never mind what may be going on. You are here with Me, aren't you? I mean, in this minute of nonexistent time, you know I AM here. You sense My Presence. If I am here, and, of course, I AM, then you are right here with Me. You need no special code, dear ones, to be in My Presence. There is no key you are waiting to receive. It is a given that We are always, always, without fail, without exception, intimately together, closer than close. You can't be without Me, nor would I ever be without you. This is the one impossibility. That We are ever wed is your inalienable birthright. It is more than a right. It is more than a privilege. It is more than anything. We just ARE. You are deep in My heart. I am deep in yours. What else is there to know? What else is worth knowing?
We are an inevitability, you and I. We hang out. It is as simple as that.
That We are together is not subject to change. No matter what the weather may be, Our game is never called off. Nothing prevents Us. Nothing slows Us down. Nothing hurries Us. There isn't anything else anyway. We ride the imagined waves of life in the world, and We are always on top, We, the One.
You have a dream in your restless sleep, perhaps a scary dream. And then you wake up. From all dreams, you awaken. That is the nature of dreams. And when you wake up, you are with Me. Even during the scary dream, you are with Me, only, during the scary dream, you aren't thinking of Me. You are thinking of you. You may not even be thinking of you. You may be thinking only of getting away from the bad guys in the dream. While you are in the dream, you forget it is a dream. It sure feels real. It sounds real. It looks real. And then you wake up from this dream to discover it wasn't real at all.
There is only One Reality, and I AM It. If I am the One Reality, then you are It as well.
Of course, I am by your side. If I am by your side, then you are by Mine, so what is the big deal?
Attachment is the big deal.
Yet, do not even fight attachment. Remind yourself lightly that attachment is only part of the dream. It isn't real. Attachment will loosen its claws, and you will be without it. You will live without attachment. You will love without attachment. You will love unattached. You will be in the flow of life. You will ride the rapids in a secure raft, merrily, merrily. Nothing can happen to you. Nothing can happen to the raft. And the river carries you, and I, God, ride the rapids with you.
And, so, I ask you. I ask you as We ride along together. Can you hear Me, beloveds? Can you hear Me say:
Does it really matter so much where the river seems to take you when I ride along with you? Am I not your destination anyway? You are already in My arms. Look at the sights as We merrily go upstream and downstream. We are not really going anywhere anyway. We are just hanging out together.