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Turin, Italy ||
Istanbul, Turkey
All workshops in English and will be translated into Italian and Turkish. English speakers, attend any of the workshops!
Workshop details - Calismayla ilgili ayrintilar
tarih: 3- 4 Ekim, 2009
saat: 13:00 - 18:00 (her iki gün)
ücret: 270,- TL
iletişim: Şifa Çemberi Eğt. & Dan. Merkezi
tel: 0212-347 41 53-54 | cep tel: 0538-674 42 49
€ 112 - Çalışma ücretinin tamamının 15 Eylül’e kadar ödenmesi durumunda
Register before the 15 September for a 10% discount
€ 50 - Çalışmaya kesin kayıt için gerekli tutar. Kalan kısım çalışmaya girerken ödenecektir.
Register now and pay the remainder fees at the workshop
Workshop facilitators and hosts
This Godwriting Workshop is facilitated by Gloria Wendroff & Santhan & hosted by Lale and Jale from Şifa Çemberi
Translation from English to Turkish by Lale

Gloria Wendroff, Lale, Jale and Santhan
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Poster images
A3 poster in high resolution (6.3 Mb file) -
A4 poster in high resolution (3.4 Mb file) -
A5 poster image for hand outs -
Web and email poster image -
Sample Poster