What story will you live today, and what story will you tell?
What love will you initiate today, and what love will you accept? What love will you back off from, and when will you realize you have run away from love, as though it were too much for you, perhaps somewhat like a Thanksgiving dinner where you have to push yourself away from the table, and say, “No more, thank you. I’ve really had enough.”
Yes, you can eat too much, but have too much love? That is not a possibility. That is too ridiculous to consider.
You can have too much of what is not loving. You have, haven’t you? Haven’t you had your fill of digression from love? One fillip of anything that is not love is too much. Let’s eliminate altogether this sham anger, shame, conflict, hurt feelings, remonstrance, nagging, scolding, displeasure and on and on. I call them sham. They may feel real, yet negative emotions fly under false flags. They are revivals, scourges from the past. They are hangers-on. Confess, they have no business being here now.
End them once and for all. Forget what all those untoward emotions are. Forget their names, and forget their assumed power over you. They can be excused from your life now. Do you really want them? All the distaff emotions are subterfuges who convince you that they hold you in their thrall. If you want to be held in thrall, then let Me hold you in Mine.
You are not in servitude to negativity. No longer let it wind its tentacles around you. Do not be so willing to buy whatever negativity is selling. Do not let anyone set your sights and call your tunes.
I have said you have no enemies. Now I tell you negativity is your enemy. Stay away from it like the plague. Remember who your friends are. Negativity is not one of them. Remember where your allegiance lies.
Negativity under any name is not your friend. You cannot convert negativity into your friend. You have to tell negativity goodbye.
Because someone calls out, “Fire,” doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a fire. Negativity tells you there is a fire or a fire imminent. Of course, negativity burns you.
Because you see an affront one day, doesn’t mean you have to carry it around the next.
See offenses no longer.
See love. If you cannot see love, then see how others are looking for love. There isn’t anyone who doesn’t want to be valued enough to be loved.
Be the one to love first, beloveds. If it is only a crack of love you can give, give that. The tiniest bit of love is still a seed of love, and seeds sprout, and sprouts grow.
There is all the love in the world, only it has to be circulated. It has to be discovered and then circulated. Love has been called a flame. I will call it now a cooling balm. I will call love green leaves fluttering in the breeze. I will call love unspoken, love the strong silent type. I will call love like a sunrise growing into high noon. I will call love a story. I will call it the story of your life.
I have a call out for love. I am asking you to love one another as if you knew nothing but love. I am asking you to put everything away except for love. I am asking you to love as if there were not anything else to do. And that is the truth, beloveds. There isn’t anything for you to do but to love, and love now, and love from now on. And that means forever.