Gloria to Heavenreaders:
Until there's a chat group set up, if anyone would like to write directly to Diane or Molly… Nancy, the potter who takes classes, has also given her email address. Any other Heavenreaders who are open to giving their email address, please do so, and we'll keep the heart moving.
Jon to God:
My dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank You for Your Unconditional Love, Wisdom, Guidance, Comfort and Advice. I am so grateful and appreciative of our intimate relationship and Your Love and Joy vibrating in my heart and being.
Reading "Heavenletters" everyday has been so powerful in my life. To get the opportunity to hear Your Love and Wisdom expressed so simply and yet so profoundly has changed my life immeasurably. Everyday I call Gloria just to tell her how much I love each one of Your sessions and how they have influenced my day. Each time I read them I underline Your words, Your heartbusters that tickle my heart and remind me of Your Love for me. I am finding it easier and easier to surrender to You. Thank you dear Lord.
I have a couple of questions based on some of the statements you have made in Heaveletters.
On many occasions you have mentioned in one way or another the Treasures of Heaven. You have said, "All of the resources of Heaven are within your grasp" and "reach your hands into the coffers of Heaven and pull out its treasures." God, what are the Treasures of Heaven? What does it look like in my life? How does it show up in a day-to-day way? Is it the joy and fulfillment my heart feels when I think of You, or what?
Is it a change in my perception of life?
God, you have also said, "Become the Total Being as I am, and all your wishes are fulfilled before your very eyes." What do I have to do, or not do, to be the total being as You are? Is it just my intention and desire for You? Is it the net results of daily surrendering to You?
Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for Your answers to my prayers.
I love You.
God to Jon:
Hello, Beloved! Fun to see you in another venue.
I will answer your in a general way.
First, there is nothing to do. Total Being is not doing. It is out of the arena of action.
"Achieve" total being by letting go. Undo control. Control is holding on to a fishing line and deciding what kind of fish must bite and what size.
Pure Being sits there in the pleasure of sitting there without a particular accommodation in mind. Fish bits, fine. No bite, also fine. The sun shines just the same.
You are not the decider. You are not the controller. You are the observer.
Jon, I can hear you saying, "Well, then, what about desire? I have to desire, don't I? If not, how do I stop desiring then?"
And I answer you, My beloved son, desire all you want. But leave off expectation, demand, insistence, how, what, when, where, and who. Leave off questioning.
Allow trust and surrender.
Desire, and not have to have it.
Desiring Me helps you to let go of your insistence. Turning over to Me is not turning over part or some or even all with a reservation or with a certain outcome in mind. It is not making conditions for Me to fulfill. We don't make a bargain, you and I. What a holding-on bargaining is.
Jon, I speak to you, and I speak to everyone.
We do not trade with each other, this for that. I give all. You accept all I give. That is not a counting bargain. Your trust is a stream where you and I are indelibly One, where Our love flows so much, it seems to stand still. My love washes over your love, and your love washes over My love, and We are indistinguishable.
When there is trust and surrender, impatience does not exist.
Impatience tells you you are holding on. You are trying to crack the whip.
Trust and surrender are ego-less.
Ego has an investment and sets conditions. The ego has to prove.
You are all children. You want the red truck. You think you do. And, if after a while, you stop desiring it, you still want it because you want what you wanted. You want it because you want to win it, and that is not from love. Pure love is not selfish. I am not selfish. Ego is selfish.
Oh, what else nourishes total being is total honesty. Honesty is ego-less. Honesty is what is. It means listening to your truth.
With honesty, trust, and surrender, energy is not required but is conserved. Energyless living. What a relief.
This human life is given to you to do as you will. Your life is finding out what your will is. What you really want, despite what you may think, is association with Me.
I have told you that you are King and can sit on a throne and have whatever you want.
By King, I mean this same total Being.
Total Being does not ask for things. The King of Total Being sits on his throne, opens an eye, nods every once in a while, and the server (life) brings him what he wants. The King has a thought of a desire, and he lets go of it.
The coffers of Heaven hold the treasures of Heaven. Whatever forms the treasures may appear in, they are love, pure love. Dip your hand in.
Consider the love as light. Take that light, and you can go anywhere and do anything, but you will be so rich that you want to do for Me, not for yourself.
Reach in and pull out joy, and you are filled with it. You are it.
When you are pure love, pure light, pure joy, quiet rich love, quiet rich joy, and you have a desire for a diamond to help light the world, a diamond will appear. But it is not that you have to have it.
Let's say there is a career you want. Desire, and dip into Me. Take the steps. Dip into Me. Offer your actions to Me, and you will remember there is nothing you have to have.
This is a little like the responsibility Diane and I talked about yesterday. Responsibility without urgency of it. Responsibility without the weight and sense of it.
Motive. Find out what your motive is. What do you want what you want for? What is behind a particular desire? What do you think it will bring you? What is your function in life?
God, excuse me for cutting in. What if someone wants to be a race car driver. How does that serve You?
How does a street cleaner serve Me? It is not the what but the how.
The human being who is a race-car driver is a human being. Ego sees himself as a race-car driver.
No one is a race-car driver. Everyone is a child of Mine.
One is not a fisherman. He is a child of Mine.
How does a mother serve Me? By changing diapers and picking up toys.
How does anyone serve Me? By living in truth, in love, and in joy.
Reveal My love, be it on a bus, on a street, or on a golf-course.
How does someone share love on a race-course, God? Or in any competitive sport?
By loving the game, the players, and Me. Actions may seem the same, but Whose energy is behind it, and Whose love do the players send?
I'm sorry I interrupted. I feel better when You talk, and I just listen.
Yes. Now back to Jon.
Jon, you, My friend, really want certain answers to your questions. You want to know what Heaven's treasures look like in your daily life. I would like to ask the question of you. Tell Me, Jon, what do the treasures of Heaven in your daily life look like?
Jon, there is a tendency to narrow the field.
Rather, bring earth to Heaven.
Heaven cannot be pinned.
Heaven is infinite, not finite.
Yes, perception of life changes life.
Continue the joy and fulfillment your heart feels. Bring others to it. Bring others to Me.
The true treasure of Heaven is yourself. Don't be disappointed at that. You are a treasure of Heaven. Circulate Heaven. Circulate Me. Circulate your being.
Radiate your light, and bring others to Me, for they are also My treasures.
We will talk more, My friend.