Gloria to God:
Dear God, please help me carry thoughts in my mind that are worthy of one made in your image, and help me cast out the small unworthy thoughts I would rather not have.
You know what to do. Slip thoughts of Me in your mind. Return to your Source. Stay close to Me. Don't wander off. Your thoughts wander off and get caught in brambles.
Do just as you do with the roses in your garden. You beautify them by removing the old blooms, giving strength to new buds. You clean the rose bushes out with a simple turn of the wrist.
I do not see you mourning the old blooms or regretting them or cursing them or spending time recounting them. Snip. Done. Gone.
So it is with niggling thoughts you have. Remove them, and the new ones will take their place, for you have made ready for them and invited them to come.
When You talk to me through this writing, dear God, much of the time I feel a golden brim to my heart, and, sometimes it just feels normal. My awareness and life certainly have heightened since HEAVEN started. There is more loving You in my heart and looking for You in my life. But much of the time in life, I feel like the old me, like I am the old bloom. I am grateful for all You have given me and done for me, and yet I can't help thinking that I should somehow be different, like I would look different and my life be constantly elevated.
You are a human being blending in the crowd. You prove that anyone can open their heart to Me and actively receive My love and My thoughts.
Gloria, you read books about saints and holy women. You read the wisdom, truth, and love they speak and live, and you know they are Mine. You see that their lives became holy expressions of me. They merged their whole life with Me.
Their course of life is not yours. You stay a simple trafficking human being. Yet, in every act you perform, your devotion can equal the saints', but I do not ask you to be a saint.
I must tell you that even the saints had their moments of wondering why they weren't of more service to Me until they didn't wonder any longer. Perhaps they didn't pay attention any longer to whether they were or were not wholly with Me. They just did their work. They became a gift slipped under My door.
Even so, they had itchy skin, had to cut their toenails, and their footpaths were not totally covered with rose petals.
One day their attention on Me and My work was total, and I was all that there was, and still they had to bathe and get dressed and perform daily undignified acts. They were gathered onions as well as roses.
Their attention was simply on Me and on the process of their work for Me.
You are not destined to be a saint. You don't have to be. You are not shirking not to be. You are good enough. I do not find you wanting. You find yourself wanting, and whose thoughts are those? Not Mine.
You are like everyone else. You think you will be happy when this and when that, when you have this or that, and when you are this and not that.
I say to you that you don't have to be someone else other than who you are. You jot down My words, and I am satisfied. Be you content and do not demand more of yourself than what I ask.
I am easy to work for. I am the ideal boss. I love you. I respect you. I ask you what you would like to do for Me, and then I give you that to do. I do not ask you to do someone else's work or sit at their desk and look like them.
I do give you plenty to do of the work you chose for yourself and that We agreed on. And you plucked a rose of an assignment, Gloria.
Here you sit, capturing My thoughts and writing them down.
Now stop worrying about web page and record-keeping and how to do this and how to do that. Whose responsibility are those?
You keep thinking they're yours. You keep thinking they won't get done unless you fret them ahead of time.
How much trust in Me do you have?
I tell you that all will be accounted for.
Throw out your old worry thoughts and replace them with My strength, My firmness of purpose, and the knowledge that My will be done.
You work for Me. Work for Me from nine to five, and I will take care of the rest. You could never accomplish it all yourself, so stop telling yourself you must.
Leave it to Me. Mind Me, and make nothing urgent. Be assured, as I am. Be happy the way you are. Know the truth that I do it all. I'll tell you when the bookkeeping is to be set up.
When you feel anxious or incompetent, know that is from you and not from Me. I am well-content. That is My nature. Let it be yours.
Gloria to Mother Divine:
Dear Mother Divine, what would you like to say?
Mother Divine:
As you remove the old blooms from your roses, you do strew your path with rose petals. Look at the path to your house. One action brings multifold results. It is narrow thinking that allows you to think that a simple act is separate or insignificant from the whole.
Whatever act is performed, it nourishes the universe and the performer of the act. An act may be simple, but it vibrates many chords in the universe.
Rose petals falling to the ground make a sound that you do not hear, but I do.
One press of the piano key is more than the one note it appears to be.
One color enhances and reflects others.
One child of God places a straw before the altar of God, and that straw reaches Heaven.
All that you do rises to Heaven.
Your existence is not limited to earth although your feet walk on it.
The sun crowns your head. The moonlight cools the light, but you wear the light. You are the light.
All carry an aura of light made in Heaven.
God's children shine like stars on earth when seen from Heaven.
The earth shines on Heaven. Earth is a good place to be. It is not a dungeon.
You are privileged to be a human being on earth.
Your tour on earth is not a sentence. It is a privilege.
It is an honor to be a child of God on earth.
God knighted you when you came here. He knighted you with a wand of light. That light you are, God recharges it, and it does not dim; it flames forever.
God took a piece of Himself and gently placed it on earth with all the light and knowledge it will ever need. You are that piece of God.
And God said to you, "If you ever imagine you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, and I will see that you notice which pocket of yours it is in."
God left nothing out. Not from life, not from you.
You are a completed being of God, well supplied for the journey.
So have a good time. You know the way. You will come home soon enough.