I would like to elaborate on the meaning of "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and give unto God what is God's". Change the order. Give to God first, then Caesar.
Tribute to Caesar is titulary, that's all. It is token. It is politeness.
The worth of any King on earth is not his title, his robes, his entourage, his army, his wealth, his power, his fame, his stature, not any of the things that are attributed to him. His worth is his consciousness. Whatever his might in the world, his worth is his connection to Truth and therefore his connection to Me.
The worth of a King is the same as yours. He is no more privy to worth than you. No matter the adornment and office, no matter what lengths the world goes to to say differently, no man or woman is more a king or queen than you. By the same token, no one is less royalty than you. All are My generation and are inheritors of all that I bequeath. I have you in My trust.
Caesar is due no less than you. Everything is Caesar's, and everything is yours, not because of anything magnified in the world but because men and women are soul-beings, and all are sons and daughters of God and all souls deserve equal honor.
There is nothing I give to one man that I do not give to another. Listen to this carefully, for I see your mind rushing to the concept of wealth and position and birth, and you wonder if I can possibly think anything in the world is equally distributed when so clearly it is not. Never mind that.
The world is a playground, and the game being played is Find God. It is also called Finding Everyone's Identity or a variation called Finding One's Own Integrity. Next to the real gold, the significance given to gold coin is counterfeit and is tossed to the winds.
Your sense of separation from Me and from other souls in the universe allows you to experience great heart-ache. And so you seek re-union with Me and everyone on earth, including Kings and Queens.
And yet the concept of giving to Caesar what is his and giving to Me what is Mine seems to be an attempt to separate you from the world and to separate the world of man and matters from My Kingdom.
I urge the union of Heaven and earth, not exclusion.
I ask that Caesar's will and Mine be the same.
I do not tell you to turn your back on the world, but I do suggest that you not listen to it so carefully and take it so seriously. It is only the world, after all.
What is true is true, regardless of what the world says about it.
You may well not like the way the Caesars of the world treat those souls entrusted to them and the way they treat those souls they see as not entrusted to them. Of course, you and I know there is no difference. All souls are entrusted to Caesar, just as all souls are entrusted to you.
Yet you feel hopeless in influencing so-called leaders of the world. You feel your influence is minute if at all. Who listens to you, you grieve. You think your dominion does not reach far. I tell you it does. There is nowhere that your consciousness does not reach.
But, for the moment, let's focus on what you do know is within your reach.
You reach yourself. You deal with yourself. You reach your family and friends. You reach co-workers. You reach the clerk in the store, the beggar in the street.
Now you, you, whom you consider of little or no importance, honor yourself and honor the souls of all those within the breadth of your life, and the Caesars of the world will have no choice but to emulate you and follow suit.