What you find hard about letting go of attachments is that you are attached to them. You are attached to them because you hold on. You hold on because your vision is limited. You cannot willfully change your mind. You cannot order it to change. In order for your thinking to change, you have to see differently. An element has to leave so a new one can enter. Something has to leave so you are open to something else. What has to leave is a preconceived idea.
You may well want to let go of certain attachments. You would if you could. You would let go of them if you did not think they were essential to your survival.
One preconception you have is that survival means keeping everything as it is. The opposite is true. Survival in the world depends upon change.
In many cases, your mind has been like a radio with only one or two stations available. But infinite are the possibilities of your mind. Often you have the answer first, and then you find ways to substantiate your answer. That is being on one track. And it behooves you to get off it.
Try considering the opposite of what you think. Take a different answer and see where it leads.
Your mind is not meant to be stagnant. It has to change. You cannot change your mind. It has to change of its own accord. As in the cartoons, a light bulb has to go on in the mind. A new configuration of thought gets made, and everything is reconfigured.
Openness is not the same as empty-headed. What do you think would happen if your convictions were not so firm? What if you budged a little? What if you moved over one of your thoughts? You can always put it back. Unless you see the light, you will put it back.
You have set many goals for yourself, and you always chase after them. Reconsider your goals. Maybe you are huffing and puffing for no reason at all. Maybe you no longer want what you always wanted or thought you wanted. Take a look. You do not have to continue on the same track.
In a dance of any kind there are twists and turns. A dance requires variation. A pose is not a dance. A dance is by its very nature movement, or it is not dance. And so with life. So with life. You cannot keep it in place. You cannot pose it. You cannot nail it down.
You do not have to do things the way you always have nor the way the world has always done. Even the proven is unproved. This moment has never been lived before, and so everything is new.
Everything is in place for you right now. An orchestra is poised to begin. The baton is raised. Before the flutes can play, the baton must strike and so give the signal for the music to begin.
And so it is with life. It signals you to begin. You may have to move over for life. You may have to turn your mind a different way.
You think that to change your mind means you have made a mistake or you wouldn't have to change it. What you thought was right may have been right then, but it may not be now. But it doesn't matter. You have to test the waters now. We are not talking about mistakes in life. We are talking about living life.
Life is possibilities. Open yourself to them. Foregone conclusions close you to life. Possibilities open you. Be open to the possibilities before you.