You are surrounded by Divine grace. It does not just happen to other people. It does not just happen to you once in a while. You are inundated with Divine grace. Only you are oblivious.
If you could fathom that everything, everything that happens to you happens for good, would you feel differently?
I am not saying that everything that happens is what you want to have happen. I am not saying that you should fake yourself out and say that what you find painful is actually wonderful. I am saying to allow the possibility that something good is there even so. Even what you would consider dire circumstances can contain something that will give you an advantage. Even trouble can be a precursor to good.
You have a tendency to affirm that something untoward has happened. You have a tendency to put your woes up in bright lights and look at them, raise them on a flag.
Now I ask you to veer your thinking ever so slightly. Just consider the possibility that Divine grace is working for you. That there is something there, that something good is there. You don't know what it is, but in the midst of what feels dismal to you, there is a seed of something good. You don't know what type of seed exactly has been planted. But in your heart you can know that something has been planted, and something will grow, and you will see its fruition. By and by, you will see it.
And if you cannot see even the possibility of something good for you in a particular situation, consider then that the good is for someone else, and you are the deliverer of it.
You are not a sacrifice on the altar of the world, but you are a conveyer. Maybe you are a model to the world. Perhaps you are a model of what one can be even in what appears to be adversity.
What you can be sure of that there is an advantage somewhere even if you don't know what it is.
I coach you. I do not order you. But I lead you. And as you emulate Me, you lead others. You are demonstrating to others all the time. And now you are in a position to demonstrate a point of view that will uplift the world.
You are a vital link to Heaven.
Consider this: perhaps you are the instrument of Divine grace.
What is rain a sign of? What does rain lead to? What can you be sure will come after? The sun will shine. The sun was shining all the time, only it was hidden from view. The sun is a constant. Rain is not. Rain brushes away the clouds so that the sun may appear in its full brightness.
Consider hurdles in life like scouring pads. They scrub off surface marks so that the beautiful shine beneath can show.
Consider hurdles in life as ego-scrubbers. Be glad for them. Otherwise what pinnacle might you rise to only to fall?
Call good to you by focusing on it.
Today look for Divine grace. Catch it peeking out from corners. Catch it dashing out across your life so quickly that you must look for it or, you may miss seeing it like a comet that crosses the sky.
Perhaps you are one who plays hide and seek. Maybe you are one who either hides or dashes across life so furtively that Divine grace can't quite get a hold of you. Perhaps you try to elude it.
But My bet is on Divine grace, for it is a blessing I have sent to you, and it will find you wherever you are.