Once in a while, I wake up in the morning with thoughts from God and run downstairs to get His words down. But most of the time, by far, I have no idea what is going to come.
After half a minute or so, God's words do start coming on their own, and I write them down in what is perhaps pure faith. It certainly is the closest to pure faith I know, for I have no idea what the initial words are leading to or what sense they make, but I write anyway.
Usually after a few moments, the Godwriting™ becomes like a spring of water, and God's words just bubble up. Once in a while, it's hard to stop, but more often it just stops, and it's done, or I guess it's done, although, on occasion, later I feel more coming, and more does come.
I marvel that God's words come, and come to me. Wow, God talks to me! Each time it is new. And it is the happiest part of my day.
And yet it is not momentous! What it amounts to is just me, the same as I ever am, sitting here with God's words typing out. Happily typing out, but it's still me conscious of myself untransformed.
Any time I spend on Heavenletters™ makes me happy. When I am not working on Heavenletters or talking about God, I am conscious of my longing to be with God doing something to further Heavenletters. It is an irresistible urge.
In the Godwriting workshops, all who come find themselves writing down God's words.
Finding ourselves seems a good way to describe the process. We don't make it happen, and yet there is some overture from ourselves. There is the pen in hand and the blank page, and it is our intention to hear what God has to say right at that moment. And then we find ourselves listening, and then we find ourselves writing down something we hear whispered so quietly and so clearly.
"You held it back, waiting for someone next to you to sing first. You forgot you were supposed to sing first. You thought you didn't know how to sing. You forgot it didn't matter how well you could carry a tune. You forgot it mattered only that you sing."
Heavenletter #1646 A Meeting of the Stars
"This is the story of what happened to me during the Workshop. I have been always feeling a song in my throat needing to be sung. I always felt that but didn't know how to sing because I had never learnt how to sing properly. I think that feeling finally got an outlet to be free. At the Godwriting workshop in Istanbul, Gloria told me to sing and I sang. I could not help it. It just came. :)"
Oldooz, Iran
"My first Godwriting opened my heart and mind and soul to the fact that God does literally speak to and through me. I can hardly contain my excitement with this life-changing discovery!"
Donna R., Retired
“I love this way of communicating with God. Writing puts it right out there where I can see it.”
Sue Benjamin, Great Falls, Montana
"The Godwriting™ workshop and my continued Godwriting have opened my heart to God with a wonderfully powerful whisper. It hits all the little resistances built into my perspective and transforms them. My vision has expanded. I have found peace of mind. It is a personal experience as well as a transpersonal experience. Each Godwriting letter becomes more heartfelt than the previous, and I am swimming in the ocean of God's love with every stroke and with every breath. I am grateful to God for this wondrous contribution to the world and to my world."
Peter Slane, D.C., N.D., Madison, Wisconsin
"The Godwriting Workshop inspired me to look inside for God, and I thank Heaven for helping open that connection in me!"
A.R., Recruiter
“When I sit down with the intention to Godwrite, something magical already begins to happen.”
Mawiyah Clayborne, Ph.d., author, How to Remember Your Bliss www.rememberyourbliss.com
“I do Godwriting twice a day and feel like I have always done it. It has completely changed my life because it is so personal. God meets us where we are. Life is so good.”
Vera Killegrew, Great Falls, Montana
"Godwriters are a band of angelic brother and sister Lightworkers that I am honored, inspired and comforted by being a part of. I love Godwriting and the simple, natural and yet very profound process you opened me up to. That energy of God that flows through and around me when I Godwrite is also immediately accessible whenever I call upon it, or come to think about it, or even whenever I read about it or hear about it. To describe it is to describe the qualities of God."
B.R., Stockbroker
"I feel like a different woman after attending the Godwriting session."
Staci C.
"I had been so devoid of a sense of intimacy in my life without Godwriting. I love that feeling of being blown away that the Creator of the Universe is a wise and personal mentor we have right at our fingertips, whenever and wherever we reach out to Him. I am eternally grateful to God and Heaven Letters for bringing this awareness right into my living room each and every day. And for making me so aware of the fact that I can reach out to God, one on One, and there He is sitting with me every time, like He has all the time in the world for me and nothing else is more important to Him."
Tina W., Care-giver
You can hear God's words. Everyone can. You don't have to be anything at all but what you already are. All it takes is the desire, the asking, and the listening. God does the rest.
I call the process of writing down God's words Godwriting™. Therefore, we have Godwriting workshops. The finished writing that I personally do and email out every day, I call Heavenletters™. The finished writing that those who learn at workshops do, we call Heavenpetals.
Bev, a single businesswoman, writes to God every day, and has from the beginning. This sample of her Godwriting™ comes from the second day of the workshop she attended years ago:
"Ask for the resistance to go. There are layers. Ask every time you come to a new layer. In asking is the healing. Writing is an action that helps release the blocks. You write to Me, and blocks within yourself are dissolved. Don't delay. Now is the time. Start Somewhere, and it will come to you."
Johanna, a web designer, didn't just doubt that she could Godwrite. She was SURE she COULDN'T. See her first Godwriting, written after only a few hours at a workshop:
Johanna to God::
Dear God, why am I having so many problems in my personal relationships?
"You are not having problems in your relationships. You are reaching out to encompass the world and, in that, losing the identities of those around you. They are as you of mind and body. Free as blossoms floating in air on wind.
"Accept all occasions as waves or currents meeting in an ocean, touching and whispering to one another in certain directions but ultimately letting each take their own paths. Love is not lost. Feelings do not change. The heart loves. But as atoms move in the air so do all mankind."
J.R, owner of a technical recruiting firm, very busy businessman, didn't want his Godwriting to be long and flowing like the daily Heaven Letters, and he got what he desired! More of this at the workshop.
Abby, 19-year old college student, found herself through her own Godwriting.
A Heaven subscriber mentioned that he doesn't understand how Heavenletters™ are written because he could never do that. He said that they “…must come from God."
That’s just right. This is exactly how I feel! I don’t understand either. I am not capable of this, and of course, I know I'm not the one who does it! The love and wisdom couldn’t possibly come from me! They come regardless of my individuality. Every time I Godwrite, I am amazed. Every day I shake my head and wonder how can this be. How can it be that God uses my hand to be His loving instrument?. Yet God has said that we all are His instruments. And there are no prerequisites to Godwriting except to be a human being! God says we don't have to get dressed up for Him!
For the half hour or so every day that God’s words come through me, my individual self is put on the back burner. This is not against my will. I certainly have the intention, and yet it is beyond my will. I could will this from dawn to dusk, but it is God’s Will that comes in and makes a Heavenletter.
The Heavensubscriber who thinks he could never Godwrite is mistaken. He could. Everyone can. It is inherent in each one of us, and there is no difference between any one of us. None of us has the capability. It is God's capability, and we can hear God whisper ever so faintly. We hear subtle sound.
In the Godwriting™ workshops, everyone who comes finds himself or herself Godwriting. And no one is sure of himself, and everyone finds it hard to believe, and yet when the words written down are read and we receive their power, our egos are dismantled, and we know something wonderful has happened and somehow we have been, despite everything, unassuming instruments of the One God.
I do not know how to teach Godwriting anymore than I know how to Godwrite. God comes in and teaches us. Yet, it seems to me, that He doesn’t teach it either. He is just there speaking to Us, and in a workshop, we clear ourselves enough out of the way so that we dare to hear and dare to write down. There is nothing that God cannot do. He can even bring us to a workshop. He can even help us to hear Him and write down what He says. There is no other explanation I can think of.
During the time that we are Godwriting, we are very aware of what we are doing and what’s going on in the room. This is not a trance state.
We may even be writing down something that doesn’t seem to be special or doesn’t even seem to make sense. And yet, when we read over what we wrote down, we read it as if we had never seen it before, and we glimpse its specialness and are in awe. All in the room at a workship know that the words they read aloud, or the words they hear someone else read, are from a special level of Creation.
Every time I read over a Heavenletter, I am amazed. It could be today’s Heavenletter or one from three years ago, and each Heavenletter is timely and each is new and each casts its spell, and it is always a miracle that I got to be the tiniest part of it. It is the same for the Godwriters of Heavenpetals.
God attends every Godwriting™ workshop. And you are invited.
* Sponsoring and hosting a workshop
* What Godwriting Means to Those Who Do It
* You Can Godwrite!
“I am in love with my new Godwriting practice!! I can’t wait to get up every morning now and see what God has in store! I just LOVE the way it makes me FEEL!! To be able to experience moments like this -- It is what I want for all of humanity! God Bless you Gloria, for moving us forward on this path, for helping us connect to Heaven…Good T’ai Chi, Gloria, very good T’ai Chi!!!”
Ginny Cardenas, Tai Chi Instructor, Nevada
Read more: http://www.godwriting.org/godwriting/dazzling-workshop-gods-presence.htm
In terms of a Godwriting workshop, there is no right motivation and no wrong motivation. There is no right time or wrong time. Not everyone is going to come to a Godwriting workshop, yet there is no one whose path it is not.
Godwriting workshops are powerful. In their simplicity and sincerity the workshops provide an environment where the practice of Godwriting is introduced.
Workshops have been held all over the United States, at the Dead Sea in Israel, at the Indian Ocean in South Africa; Athens, Greece; Bucharest, Romania; Munich, Germany and more.
Once in a while, I wake up in the morning with thoughts from God and run downstairs to get His words down. But most of the time, by far, I have no idea what is going to come.
Sometimes I have trepidation whether anything will come right then or ever again, but after a minute or two, God's words do start coming and I write them down in what is perhaps pure faith. It certainly is the closest to pure faith I know, for I have no idea what the initial words are leading to or what sense they make, if any, but I write anyway.
Usually after a few moments, the Godwriting becomes like a spring of water, and God's words just bubble up. Once in a while, it's hard to stop, but more often it just stops, and it's done, or I guess it's done, although, on occasion, later I feel more coming, and more does come.
I marvel that God's words come, and come to me. Wow, God talks to me! Each time it is new. And it is the happiest part of my day.
And yet it is not momentous! What it amounts to is just me, the same as I ever was, sitting here with God's words typing out. Happily typing out, but it's still me conscious of myself untransformed.
Any time I spend on Heaven makes me happy. When I am not working on Heaven or talking about it, I am conscious of my longing to be with God doing something with Heaven. It is irresistible to me.
In the Godwriting workshops, everyone finds themselves writing God's words.
Finding ourselves seems a good way to describe the process. We don't make it happen, and yet there is some overture from ourselves. There is the pen in hand and the blank page, and it is our intention to hear what God has to say right at that moment. And then we find ourselves listening and then we find ourselves writing down something we heard whispered so quietly and so clearly.
Godwriting Worshops are one of a kind. They are simple, powerful and sincere. The environment created during the workshops helps all involved deepen and explore their relationship with God through Godwriting. Workshops have been held all over the US and Europe.
Thank you for your interest in hosting a workshop. Please click the contact form and let us know of your desire to host a workshop. We will work with you to help create a successful event.
Here are some resources to help promote the workshop you will be hosting.
You may click each image or link to download the larger files or right click and select something like "save link as".
Transparent PNG logo file for Heaven: http://www.heavenletters.org/heaven/heaven-logo.png
Previous Workshop posters
Arizona poster
Turin, Italy poster
Istanbul, Turkiye poster
A diploma given to previous Godwriters
Godwriting Workshop diploma
"You held it back, waiting for someone next to you to sing first. You forgot you were supposed to sing first. You thought you didn't know how to sing. You forgot it didn't matter how well you could carry a tune. You forgot it mattered only that you sing."
Heavenletter #1646 A Meeting of the Stars
"This is the story of what happened to me during the Workshop. I have been always feeling a song in my throat needing to be sung. I always felt that but didn't know how to sing because I had never learnt how to sing properly. I think that feeling finally got an outlet to be free. At the Godwriting workshop in Istanbul, Gloria told me to sing and I sang. I could not help it. It just came. :)"
"My first Godwriting opened my heart and mind and soul to the fact that God does literally speak to and through me. I can hardly contain my excitement with this life-changing discovery!"
“I love this way of communicating with God. Writing puts it right out there where I can see it.”
"The Godwriting™ workshop and my continued Godwriting have opened my heart to God with a wonderfully powerful whisper. It hits all the little resistances built into my perspective and transforms them. My vision has expanded. I have found peace of mind. It is a personal experience as well as a transpersonal experience. Each Godwriting letter becomes more heartfelt than the previous, and I am swimming in the ocean of God's love with every stroke and with every breath. I am grateful to God for this wondrous contribution to the world and to my world."
"The Heavenletter Writing Workshop inspired me to look inside for God, and I thank Heaven for helping open that connection in me!"
“When I sit down with the intention to Godwrite, something magical already begins to happen.”
“I do my Godwriting twice a day and feel like I have always done it. It has completely changed my life because it is so personal. God meets us where we are. Life is so good.”
"Godwriters are a band of angelic brother and sister Lightworkers that I am honored, inspired and comforted by being a part of. I love Godwriting and the simple, natural and yet very profound process you opened me up to. That energy of God that flows through and around me when I Godwrite is also immediately accessible whenever I call upon it, or come to think about it, or even whenever I read about it or hear about it. To describe it is to describe the qualities of God."
"I feel like a different woman after attending the Heavenletter session."
"I had been so devoid of a sense of intimacy in my life without Godwriting. I love that feeling of being blown away that the Creator of the Universe is a wise and personal mentor we have right at our fingertips, whenever and wherever we reach out to Him. I am eternally grateful to God and Heaven Letters for bringing this awareness right into my living room each and every day. And for making me so aware of the fact that I can reach out to God, one on One, and there He is sitting with me every time, like He has all the time in the world for me and nothing else is more important to Him."
You can hear God's words. Everyone can. You don't have to be anything at all but what you already are. All it takes is the desire, the asking, and the listening. God does the rest.
I call the process of writing down God's words Godwriting™. Therefore, we have Godwriting workshops. The finished writing that I personally do and are emailed out every day, I call Heavenletters™. The finished writing that those who learn at workshops do, we call Heavenpetals.
Bev, a single businesswoman, writes to God every day, and has from the beginning. This sample of her Godwriting™ comes from the second day of the workshop she attended years ago:
"Ask for the resistance to go. There are layers. Ask every time you come to a new layer. In asking is the healing. Writing is an action that helps release the blocks. You write to Me, and blocks within yourself are dissolved. Don't delay. Now is the time. Start Somewhere, and it will come to you."
Johanna, a web designer, didn't just doubt that she could Godwrite. She was SURE she COULDN'T. See her first Heavenletter writing, written after only a few hours at a workshop:
Johanna to God::
Dear God, why am I having so many problems in my personal relationships?
"You are not having problems in your relationships. You are reaching out to encompass the world and, in that, losing the identities of those around you. They are as you of mind and body. Free as blossoms floating in air on wind."Accept all occasions as waves or currents meeting in an ocean, touching and whispering to one another in certain directions but ultimately letting each take their own paths. Love is not lost. Feelings do not change. The heart loves. But as atoms move in the air so do all mankind."
J.R, owner of a technical recruiting firm, very busy businessman, didn't want his Godwriting to be long and flowing like the daily Heaven Letters, and he got what he desired! More of this at the workshop.
Abby, 19-year old college student, found herself through her own Heavenletter writing.
A Heaven subscriber mentioned that he doesn't understand how Heavenletters™ are written because he could never do that. He said that they “…must come from God."
That’s just right. This is exactly how I feel! I don’t understand either. I am not capable of this, and of course, I know I'm not the one who does it! The love and wisdom couldn’t possibly come from me! They come regardless of my individuality. Every time I Godwrite, I am amazed. Every day I shake my head and wonder how can this be. How can it be that God uses my hand to be His loving instrument?. Yet God has said that we all are His instruments. And there are no requirements except to be a human being! God says we don't have to get dressed up for Him!
For the half hour or so every day that God’s words come through me, my individual self is put aside. This is not against my will. I certainly have the intention, and yet it is beyond my will. I could will this from dawn to dusk, but it is God’s Will that comes in and makes a Heavenletter.
The Heavensubscriber who thinks he could never Godwrite is mistaken. He could. Everyone can. It is inherent in each one of us, and there is no difference between any one of us. None of us has the capability. God does, and we can hear God whisper ever so faintly. We hear subtle sound.
In the Godwriting™ workshops, everyone who comes finds himself or herself Godwriting. And no one is sure of himself, and everyone finds it hard to believe, and yet when the words written down are read and we receive their power, our egos are dismantled, and we know something wonderful has happened and somehow we have been, despite everything, unassuming instruments of the One God.
I do not know how to teach Godwriting anymore than I know how to Godwrite. God comes in and teaches us. Yet, it seems to me, that He doesn’t teach it either. He is just there speaking to Us, and in a workshop, we clear ourselves enough out of the way so that we dare to hear and dare to write down. There is nothing that God cannot do. He can even bring us to a workshop. He can even help us to hear Him and write down what He says. There is no other explanation I can think of.
During the time that we are Godwriting, we are very aware of what we are doing and what’s going on in the room. This is not a trance state.
We may even be writing down something that doesn’t seem to be special or doesn’t even seem to make sense. And yet, when we read over what we wrote down, we read it as if we had never seen it before, and we glimpse its specialness and are in awe. All in the room at a workship know that the words they read aloud, or the words they hear someone else read, are from a special level of Creation.
Every time I read over a Heavenletter, I am amazed. It could be today’s Heavenletter or one from three years ago, and each Heavenletter is timely and each is new and each casts its spell, and it is always a miracle that I got to be the tiniest part of it. It is the same for the Godwriters of Heavenpetals.
God attends every Godwriting™ workshop. And you are invited.