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Your thirst for God...

A Message from Bhagawan
Your thirst for God,
Makes you search for Him.
But God cannot be found
Without true sincerity,
Without firm determination,
Without softness and purity,
And most of all, without His Grace.
Once you truly know of Him,
Your thirst to seek Him increases.
And once you have found Him,
Your thirst quenches,
You are contented and peaceful,
You stand amidst the ocean of God,
Today, tomorrow and always.
Know that and dive deep.
You can never drown in this ocean.
I am always there to save you.

The Christ Spirit, who spoke

The Christ Spirit, who spoke and taught through the Master Jesus 2000 years ago, now has the following message for us and our world:


‘The beliefs of past ages were of the mind, but the one of the New Age is of the heart. It has freed itself from the chains and shackles of false beliefs and prejudices. Many of them crept in through the backdoor in the form of misunderstandings and misrepresentations. Others came in through the front; more of that in a moment. Never forget that all interpretations of My wisdom have always been limited by the degree of the spiritual awareness of the one who wrote them down. The same applies to the people who translated them into other languages. The outcome of any of these efforts also largely depends on each person’s perception of the world they are living in. This was as true for the scribes of long-gone eras as it still is for modern writers, through whom My inspiration now flows and I express Myself. The scribes of yesteryear were the modern writers of their time; in some case, they were the same souls in different lifetimes.

‘It also happened that some of the messages I gave through various masters were intentionally misinterpreted, to manipulate the mass of people. The wise use of power being one of humankind’s most important lessons, I allowed this for good reason. Know that none of you on the Earth plane ever gets away with anything; all has to be accounted for and made good, at some stage. Besides, nobody has any true power; I alone have power, for I am The Power. And My children of the Earth need to find out about power and how to use it wisely. Any power I give one of you access to always represents a test and a trial of how you approach and use it. Power-seeking spiritual leaders, whole priesthoods, political leaders and systems, throughout the ages and within different civilisations, religions and belief systems, have always been My tools for teaching you and your world one of the most important lessons ever.

To this day and through real life situations, I am showing your world the folly of manipulating the mass of people into beliefs, which serve the purpose of gaining control – spiritual power – over their hearts and minds. This type of power-seeking aims to serve the self of the organisation and its priesthood, rather than Me and the welfare of My people and the world I have allocated to you, for a time. It is there for you all to share, to care for and cherish. And it is the responsibility of each one of you to do their share of ensuring that this world is being handed over to the next generation and all subsequent ones, in a better state than you found it when you entered into this lifetime.

‘With the help of the power-seeking described above, humankind gradually became spiritually so impoverished that by now many have forgotten their Divine origin. Do not look down on the present over-materialistic outlook of your world though; it too serves a wise purpose. Only through over-feeding your desire for earthly goods can you slowly feel an ever greater inner emptiness growing within you, which nothing of that world can satisfy. And only through a lack of spiritual nourishment can you eventually become aware of what you are truly hungering and thirsting for. This applies to all aspects of your being and life. Truth is no exception; through suffering at the hands of those who tell you falsehoods and lies, when you eventually discover that you have been cheated and lied to, can you learn to appreciate the value of truth; and also of being truthful and honest yourself. At the same time, you develop your ability to discriminate, an essential tool if you wish to recognise truth, when it comes your way.

‘Can you now see that it was necessary for you and your world to become poor in spirit, in the traditional sense? My message now to all who already are awake to their true nature, as well as those who are still slumbering is as follows. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall go in search of truth. When they search for it, they will find it, not in big books – new or ancient – but each within their own heart, the only place on Earth where My eternal truths are known. The truth they shall find there will wash their consciousness clean of all the false beliefs and misinterpretations they have accumulated, over many lifetimes. Their spirit will be pure again and they shall see God. They shall recognise Me in themselves and others, as well as in everything that is in your world and all worlds. They shall find understanding and through it healing and peace will come to them and also to your world. I will set them free.

‘The small frightened earthly self needs to trustingly turn to Me, asking to be guided and protected by Me, from within its own heart. As you follow My guidance, your earthly mind becomes My faithful servant and a channel for My power to work through, your super-conscious faculties develop and gradually take over. The two streams of consciousness heal together; with it the shadows from the past and the earthly ego structures dissolve. You are then one of the lambs of God, who is coming home into the oneness with Me and all life. The earthly and heavenly twins are re-united and working as one.

‘In Matthew 5:48 I told you: ‘Therefore become perfect, just as your Father in Heaven is perfect.’ Over the ages, this has been much misunderstood. The perfection you are seeking is wholeness. I have created you in My image; whatever is in Me is also in you. you are here to learn to take possession of everything that is within you, your femininity and masculinity, your earthly self and your God or Highest Self. It is everybody’s own task to bring these parts together and to take control of them. They need to learn to function as one; through this process you are becoming whole, which means to be healed and holy.'

‘All religions your world has ever seen have come directly from My mind. But because over time they became religions of the lower earthly mind of humankind, they are filled with all its fears, as White Eagle tells you: ‘Today religion has lost its secret power through fear. If that power [the power of the Kundalini] rises without love in the heart it is the greatest enemy that humanity knows; it stimulates the worst in a person. This is why we tell you continu¬ally that love is the key. You cannot force your way into Heaven. You will only unlock the door through love. The greatest intellects in the world will never solve the mys¬teries – only the human heart; because in the heart is born the Christ-child which is born through love. The symbolism of this religion is sweet and beautiful, and when you have that secret again, you will surely fall upon your knees before the divine and heavenly love.’ ‘White Eagle on Divine Mother – Kundalini, the Womb of Life’

Extract from and preview of ‘The Random Jottings of a Stargazer’ Part Two
© Aquarius 2007